Stephanie Otobo Accuses Apostle Suleman Of Poisoning, Trying To Kill Her, Releases n.u.d.e pictures

Canada-based Nigerian woman, Stephanie Otobo, who had some years ago alleged that she had an amorous relationship with Apostle Johnson Suleman, the General Overseer of Omega Fire Ministries, has released nude photos of the clergyman in a Twitter thread. Otobo, who took to her Twitter handle on Monday, shared screenshots of her video chat with

Nigerian government and her show of shame

Nigerian politicians have shown that they care less about the plight of the students languishing at home with all their interest fixed at the presidential form Ponzi schemes. Jkcyno news earlier reported that ASUU extended strike by 12 week safter their meeting with Federal Government was deadlocked. Read below and understand better where their priority lies…..

ASUU extends strike by 12 weeks

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has extended its strike for another 12 weeks. ASUU President, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, disclosed this in a statement issued earlier this Monday morning, May 9, 2022. He said this was to give the government enough time to satisfactorily resolve all the outstanding issues that led to the strike

Former Nigerian Senator, Arthur Nzeribe, Is Dead

Former Nigerian Senator, Francis Arthur Nzeribe is dead. The late lawmaker was 83 years old. He died on Sunday morning, a source told SaharaReporters. According to the source, Nzeribe was declared dead at a foreign hospital following an undisclosed ailment. “He died this morning in a hospital abroad. The family will soon release a statement,”

Is Nigerian government running a presidential form Ponzi schemes?

Nigerian government obviously have forgotten that not all the citizens are blind to their scam of shameful governance. The above write up would only explain the current madness ongoing in the country where the government have totally ignored the Millions of students currently languishing at home do to ASUU strike.   Read Also : Politicians paying

CVR: Fresh registration hits 8.85million – INEC

Fresh registrants in the ongoing nationwide Continuous Voter Registration (CVR) reached 8,855,996 as at May 2. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) provided the information on Thursday. The weekly update for Quarter Four, Week Three shows that 5,415,619 Nigerians have completed their registration.   Read Also:  Online INEC Voters Registration process   A total of