Nigeria is currently passing through a very delicate period as the citizens are fully woke to the wicked antics of their leaders and are very keen on taking back their country from the attempted ongoing democratic coup.
Yesterday, the vice president of America, Kamara Harris made a statement where she seemed to be upholding the illegitimate presidency of Bola Ahmed Tinubu while trying to address the Full Blown Anarchy in Niger as Citizens stone their Politicians (video).
She advising BAT to rise up to the situation.
Nigerians have since flooded her Twitter page with valid information that BAT also attempted a democratic coup in Nigeria and isn’t a legitimate president.
See below :
Important advise to Kamala below :
Dear @VP @KamalaHarris, if the US truly intends to work with Nigeria to defend democracy in West Africa and the Sahel region, then:
1) Put a call through to the Chief Justice of Nigeria and all the Justices in the @SupremeCourtNg & @CourtOfAppealNG; GIVE/PROMISE THEM PROTECTION, and urge them to deliver JUSTICE in the ongoing presidential elections petition tribunal. (You can engage them through other means, too).
2) ENGAGE the Heads of the Nigerian Military, Navy, Air force, Police etc. Reiterate the need to protect, and not harm the people, whose MAJORITY WILL as expressed via their votes, represent the hallmark of democracy. That collective will, as expressed on February 25, 2023 for Peter Obi, remains sacrosanct and unequivocal.
Just a few days ago, it was leaked that 103 CONCEALED corpses of young Nigerians killed during the #EndSARS massacre of October 20, 2020, were about to be secretly given a mass burial by the Lagos State Government, without the knowledge of their families!
3) Create a program that protects our vocal journalists and enhances freedom of the press.
There are many other things that you can do, but do the three above, and naturally, other things will fall into place.
Nigerians are ready to fight and take back their country, and frankly, we’ve gone beyond appreciating buzzwords that say very little, example: “Digital inclusion” etc.
Russia is sneezing, but it is left to the US to catch cold & futilely activate an illegitimate occupier desperate for legitimacy, or make us, true partners in the quest for world peace.
Thank you, Madam Vice President.