#PEPTLiveUpdates : Labour Party arrives court with “Ghana Must Go” evidence on BVAS, IREV

Welcome to today’s presidential election petition tribunal.

I am your regular host…..

Before we start off for today, i wish to remind you of this,

After Proceedings Yesterday Paul Ananaba SAN, Addressed the Press He Stated that Our Days in Court So Far Has Been Fruitful We Have Presented So Much & Have Much More to Present in the Coming Days We Look Forward to Addressing the Controversial ‘And FCT’ Knowing Why the Respondents Have Been Objecting All Docs Presented Except for One (Form EC8DA).

He Added That they Will Likely Conclude the Document Presentation TODAY and Witnesses Will Likely Start Speaking.

This Will Give Life to the Docs they’ve Been Presenting

Me: Guys, It’s Gets Interesting by The Day. Brace Yourselves!…

Evidences for today arrived in hot 🔥 coolers…

Labour Party's evidence


The documents in court are BVAS and IREV reports for: Bayelsa Niger – IREV Edo – IREV Ekiti Benue Adamawa – IREV Kaduna – IREV Akwa Ibom Ogun – IREV Bauchi Please note that INEC is still owing LP team some documents, so whatever you see today doesn’t mean that’s all LP have to present for this case. There are more documents on the way.

LP (Dr. Livy): With due respect my brother silk P. I. N. Ikwueto will kick-start the proceedings today.

LP(P. I. N.): For the petitioners this afternoon we intend to call some witness. We intend to call PW2 to the witness box.

SAN Livy: My lord, my learned colleague SAN Patrick Ikwueto will continue from here.

SAN Ikwueto: My lord thank you, today we will intend to start with our witnesses. Ghen Ghen ‘Labour Party brought witnesses plus box of evidences today’

SAN Ikwueto: I will like to call witness to take the stand Witness steps out, wearing a sharp suit with Tom Ford prescription glasses.

The justices are currently looking through some files. There’s a discrepancy on the page number where the Labour Party and Peter Obi witness is listed. The corrections are ongoing.

SAN Ikwueto: My lord, the evidences we wish to file are in pages 82 to 85 Pages 82 to 85 my lord The judges are currently looking through some document and murmuring with each other

SAN Ikwueto: My lord can the witness be sworn.

Justice Tsammani: Let them do it.

The microphone is not working again. We didn’t hear the witness name. The witness has been sworn.

SAN Ikwueto: Please put the microphone close to your mouth so we can hear you Introduce yourself to the court.

Witness: My name is Anthony Chinwo

Justice Bello: Is he an expert witness

SAN Ikwueto: No he’s not a star witness my lord. The witness called his address too.

SAN Ikwueto: What do you do Witness: I am a Software Engineer as well as architect my lord.

INEC is now up for cross examination

INEC: Mr. Chinwo how are you Chinwo: Fine and yourself

INEC: Just answer, you’re the one answering questions here not me In your opinion, your statement is based is based on your reading of the electoral act and guidelines

Chinwo: There are several components to it. I’d say yes

INEC: You did not play any role on election on 25th feb 2023

Chinwo: Unfortunately no sir

INEC: You’re not familiar with any of the BVAs device application as an individual

SAN Ikwueto: Objection He didn’t answer yet

Justice Tsammani: What

INEC: He said he’s not familiar with any The whole court is murmuring

INEC: Have you developed any device used in the conduct of elections

Chinwo: I have developed application and devices that have been used to analyzed

INEC: You as a software engineer you have never developed an application used for sinxect of election

CHINWO: That is just one component I have developed applications used 

INEC: Have you developed for election

SAN Ikwueto: Objection The witness is talking, let’s hear what he’s saying.

Justice Tsammani: We can hear him Okay my lord

INEC: Chinwo you have not developed any software used in Nigeria or any country for elections

Justice Ugo: Slow down we are writing you’re just asking questions

INEC: Sorry my lord

The AWS by Amazon is the most secure provider of cloud computer services

CHINWO: Yes with a 99% of no down time ‘This witness is smart oh’

INEC: That INEC deployed computing app on AWS is clear they are interested in security.

Chinwo: Having it is one thing, utilising it is another You can have AWS that is secure but you stop it from doing it’s job

INEC: What I’m saying is INEC was concerned about the security

SAN Ikwueto: Objection my lord, let him finish what he’s saying Why are you interrupting him

Justice Tsammani: Let him go on, If he says he’s in Lagos for instance, let him finish up and explain.

SAN Ikwueto: Thank you

Chinwo: Let me finish what I’m saying

INEC: No Ahn Ahn

INEC: You’re not a staff of Amazon

Chinwo: Amazon is used by everyone

INEC: You’re not a staff of Amazon

Chinwo: No I’m not but That would be all.

– Sarah Ibrahim

To bo continued….



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