#PEPTLiveUpdates : Final Update on Today’s Tribunal hearing (Part 2)

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#PEPTLiveUpdates :Labour Party begin Hearing (Part 1).

Let’s run… 🏃


Q. The report of your expert was his final report
A. That was his report

Q. I suggest to you that in giving your deposition, you considered all the documents mentioned in para 102 of your deposition
A. I read them.

Q. All the evidences you identified yesterday you didn’t open the box and envelopes
A. I looked at them and I opened them

Q. You did not open all
A. No

Q. As Chief Spokesman, I’ll be right to say you got or received information from INEC from time to time
A. No

Q. On 23rd February, INEC said we are sorry, we will not be able to go as far as uploading results electronically
A. I’m not aware, I’m only aware of the press release by Festus Okoye which is also attached to our documents.

Q. Look at Exhibit PCQ, those are receipts obtained

For certified true copies of INEC documents which were tendered here
A. Yes

Q. Please confirm some of the documents were obtained 6 April, 25 April, 31 March variously like that
A. I can see 15, 16, 31 March, 4 April, 2120 March,… They are receipts of payment for documents

Q. In Para 102, you rely on the documents mentioned there to make your depositions
A. Yes

Q. Documents mentioned in Para 102L,M, N,O,V,Y,Z,AA,CC,JJ,MM,OO,RR were not tendered in this proceedings
A. We are in process of tendering them

Q. You were not able to tender all
A. Yes

Q. You mentioned that you relied on evidence of forensic experts
A. Yes

Q. Your deposition was made on March 20th
A. Yes

Q. Are you aware that the final reports of your expert was in May 2023

Q. You’ll agree with me that the issue you brought to court were transmission of irev

Not snatching of ballot box
A. Our case was on 2 grounds, double nominations and forfeiture

They show him the court judgment in PDP v INEC & ORS on double nominations which he identifies… They now seek to tender the documents before the court.

PETITIONERS object to the tendering and admissibility of the documents and shall advance reasons.

ALL OTHER RESPONDENTS do not object to the document.

The Court:
The Court Judgment hereby admitted into evidence and marked as Exhibits X2 accordingly.

As the court pleases…

Q. By that judgment, the issue of double nominations have be solved
A. No, it is not settled

And that is all for the Cross-examination.

The Petitioners note that they do not have any re-examinations.

Dr Livy tells the court that they have 2, maybe 3 witnesses… 😂😂😂

The court notes that it is almost 7pm.

LO Fagbemi notes that ordinarily, the LP should have ended their time on Tuesday and that they are here with new people and should not be allowed to continue.

APC: Witness so you know with this Supreme Court judgment the issue of double nomination has been sorted or your chairman did not tell you W: No There is no re examination SAN Livy is now up: My lord this is past 6 and I don’t mind if we resume tomorrow APC: Let’s continue today. Your days are completed. Close your case SAN Livy: Okay. No problem. My lord let me call the next witness. We have 2 witnesses Justice Taamamni: Livy look at your time APC: My lord, their time is up. PDP and Labour Party started the same day and time and yesterday should be their last day. What they have today is a free time. You even compensated them for the Saturday and June 12. Their case is done SAN Livy: That is not true. When we Olanipekun stands up SAN Livy: I am on my feet O: Let me speak, it’s same thing I want to say SAN Livy sits down Olanipekun: Their case is closed. They don’t have time again. I object to any extension or addition of time or date for them SAN Livy: My lord I am ready to continue Justice Tsamamni: Okay how many more witness do you have SAN Livy: We have 2 more right now Justice Tsammani: Okay bring them Let’s have recess for 10 minutes and we will come back to see those witnesses SAN Livy: Okay. We are ready Court is now on recess Na wa oh 7pm and we are still here Got help us….


Court has resumed

We have 2 more witnesses to go!

Emmanuel Yari from Tudun-Wada Katsina State is in the witness box.

LP: Witness can you tell this court your name?
W: Emmanuel Peter Oyare
LP: Where do you live and occupation.
W: Waziri Street, Tudun wada, Kaduna.
LP: You are here on Subpoena. Do you have it here?
W: Yes
LP: We seek to tender it in evidence

Respondents: No objection

Justice Tsammani is turning pages upon pages upon pages for the past 7 minutes now while the Registrar is looking for a document Justice Tsammani has now admitted the subpoena as evidence

LP: Can you recognize your deposition W: Yes

LP: How

W: With the signature and name LP: Take a look and let’s know if that’s the deposition Yari

W: Yes it is

LP: Do you want to adopt this statement as evidence before the court

W: Yes All the respondents have objected to the admissibility of the witness statement.

INEC is now up for cross examination INEC: Yari what role did you play on election day

W: I was the presiding officer

INEC: You were trained by INEC on how to play your role

W: Yes

INEC: And that training includes how to use BVAS

W: Yes

INEC: You successfully used the BVAs for accreditation of voters

W: No

INEC: So there was no accreditation in your place

W: Yes

INEC: There was accreditation

W: No

INEC: So did they vote on that day

W: Yes they did

INEC: And you successfully counted the vote

W: Yes

INEC: Did you record the vote

W: I recorded the vote

INEC: And you recorded manually

W: Yes

INEC: The only problem you mentioned on your statement is that it didn’t upload

W: Yes

INEC: You didn’t say you have problem with accreditation

W: I did

Justice Taammani: Manybe he doesn’t know the meaning of accreditation

INEC: For a presiding officer that would be disappointing

Justice Tsammani: Then it’s your people in INEC’s fault The courtroom is laughing with tiredness.

INEC: So you had problem with accreditation and uploading

W: Yes my lord

INEC: Dis you report it

W: Yes That would be all Tinubu’s lawyer is now up

O: You were at the unit

W: Yes

O: Every Party agent signed a copy

W: Yes

That would be all Everyone is tired APC is up now

APC: Witness every Party agent signed the copy and had their copy

W: Yes That would be all There’s no reexamination and the witness has now been stepped down

SAN Livy is now up and has closed the case for Labour Party Everyone is shocked. 

Court is Hereby ADJOURNED Till Monday July 3rd 2023!



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