Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 9

The next morning, Dija made sure to be at the hospital at 10:00 a.m. to meet with Dr Ben.
“What do you want from me?” she asked him. “I already paid you for your help,” she whispered angrily.
“It’s been over a year now. That payment has expired,” Dr Ben replied with a smirk.“You can’t be serious!” Dija snapped, getting irritated.“Let’s cut to the chase,” Dr Ben replied. “I need ten million from you before the end of the month. I took a loan from the bank, which I haven’t been able to pay back, and they’re on my neck right now.”

“How is that my business?” she interrupted.“I’m an old friend, remember? A friend in need is a friend indeed,” he said sarcastically. “Don’t forget, failure to comply may come with very badconsequences,” he stated, pointing a warning finger at her as she stood up to leave.
“Don’t ever call my phone again,” Dija warned. “I’m not joking,” she said, noticing he wasn’t moved by the warning.“Stay away from me and my family,”she repeated,slamming the door behind her.Days went by without her hearing from Dr Ben, but she continued to live in total fear. Every time Dija heard Charles’s phone ring, her heart would skip a beat. She even contemplated confessing everything to him, but she quickly brushed the thought off her mind. “Men will always be men. He will never understand,” she thought to herself.

A week later, Charles went to Zara’s day care to pick her up. “Your new driver already picked her up,” the teacher informed him.“Driver? What driver?” Charles asked, looking confused.“Your wife sent in your new driver to pick her up. He came with this letter that was typed and signed by her. A copy of her driver’s licence was even attached for further verification. Here, have a look,” she said, handing him the letter.He studied the letter carefully. It really had Dija’s signature and photocopy of her driver’s licence. “So why did she ask me to pick Zara up for her then? This makes no sense,” he said, shaking his head.
“I don’t know,” the teacher said, shrugging. “I tried calling her to confirm, but her phone was switched off. The driver had all the required proof, so I let him take her,” she explained.Charles picked up his phone to call Dija, but her phone was still switched off. “I must go now,” he said. “Thanks for your help.”

READ ALSO :Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 8

He immediately drove over to Dija’s office and was greeted at the door by the secretary. “She’s not in her office, sir!” the secretary called out to him as he hurried towards the door. “She is in the boardroom. There is an important management meeting going on.”“Call her out for me. I need to see her now,” Charles said.“Can’t it wait, sir? I was given strict instructions not to interrupt the meeting. Even the staff in attendance have been ordered to switch their phones off,” she said.
“This is urgent. It can’t wait,” he replied.“It’s okay. I’ll see what I can do. Please sit here and wait while I go in,” the secretary replied.
A few minutes later,she arrived with Dija following behind her.“What are you doing here?”Dija asked. “Aren’t you supposed to be at Zara’s day care?”

“I went there like you asked me to, only to be told that you sent some driver to pick her up,” Charles replied.“Me?” she asked, pointing to herself. “Who told you that rubbish?”“Her teacher did. She even showed me the letter you signed with a copy of your driver’s licence,” he explained.“My god!” Dija exclaimed, starting to panic. “We need to go to the police now,” she said, dragging Charles towards the door. “I think Zara may have been kidnapped.”

Find out what happens next in Episode 10

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