Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 7

Chizzy eventually left town despite Dija’s pleas for him to stay. He called to check on her from time to time for the first few months. After which, the calls gradually reduced. Charles never got to find[PY7] out about all their escapades. It was a well-kept secret.Months later,Dija gave birth to a baby girl.They named her after her grandmother Zara.

Charles and Dija were great parents. They were both dedicated to taking good care of Zara and giving her the best money could buy. They enjoyed watching her grow, seeing her first smile and watching her learn to sit and crawl. However, one day, she was very irritable. Her hands and feet were swollen. Dija noticed and began to panic. She told Charles, who immediately advised that they go to the hospital.

On getting to the hospital, the doctor informed them that, after series of investigations, their daughter had a condition known as hand-foot syndrome .“Hand-foot syndrome? What is that?” Dija asked, looking puzzled.
“It is a painful swelling of the hands and feet that usually occurs between six months and three years of age in children with sickle cell disease. It usually develops suddenly and can last up to two weeks,” the doctor explained.
“Wait a minute!” Charles said, interrupting the doctor. “Did you just say ‘sickle cell’?”
“Yes, I did,” the doctor said, nodding.“We just discovered that your daughter has sickle cell disease, or are you not aware?”

“That is impossible, Doctor. You don’t know what you’re saying,” Charles said, shaking his head frantically.“How do you mean?” the doctor asked, looking embarrassed.
“Don’t both my wife and I need to have the carrier AS genotype for us to have a child with sickle cell disease?” Charles asked.“Of course! You are very correct,” the doctor replied.“Well, Doctor, I have AA genotype. So what do you have to say for yourself?” Charles said, folding his arms across his chest as he waited for the doctor’s response.
“That’s not possible,” the doctor replied. “Are you sure of your genotype?” he asked, looking at Charles while Dija shifted uncomfortably in her chair.
“Yes.” Charles nodded.

READ ALSO :Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 6

“Then there must be a mistake somewhere,” the doctor said. “I can assure you, though, that the mistake is not from us.But to clear all doubts,I can offer you a rerun of all the tests,including a repeat genotype testing for you and your wife, if that’s okay with you,” he suggested.“If you can assure me there will be no further mistakes, then we can consider that,” Charles replied.“There was never a mistake to start with. If you doubt me, you can try another hospital,” the doctor said.“I’ll take your word for it,” Charles replied. “We’ll do the tests,” he said.“That’s fine,” the doctor replied. “Please wait outside while I fill the forms for you.

The nurse will give you directions to the lab. However, your child will require hospital admission for proper treatment. So one of you will have to stay back with her,” he explained as they got up to leave.
Dija had been quiet throughout the whole conversation, and Charles couldn’t help but notice. “Is anything the matter?” he asked when they were outside the doctor’s office, waiting.“Not really,” she stammered. “I’m just worried about Zara,” she lied. “It’s okay, she’ll be fine,” he replied, squeezing her shoulders.A few minutes later, they were taken to the lab where the tests were done and asked to come back the next day for their results. Dija stayed back in the hospital with Zara while Charles went home.

Later that evening, Dija went to the lab. After pleading with a nurse to watch over Zara, she had lied that she needed to make some urgent enquiries.“How can I help you?” asked the man at the lab, standing at the door.“I need to speak with you privately,” she said.“Weren’t you the one who was here for a test this morning with your husband?” he asked, recognising her.
“Yes, I am.” Dija nodded. “Can I come in for a chat?” she asked.
“Chat? About what?” he asked.
“I can’t talk about it out here,” she said.“Okay, come in then,” he said, reluctantly stepping aside.
“I need your help,” she said once they were safely behind closed doors.

“I don’t understand?” he said, looking confused.“My marriage is in danger, and you’re the only one that can help,” she began. “I just discovered that my husband may not be the father of my child, and I can’t afford to let him find out.” “Why are you telling me this?” the man asked.“Because you are the one reporting the tests we did today. I need you to report that my husband’s genotype is AS, or my marriage will be ruined. Please help me!” she begged. “I’m desperate. I will do anything you ask in return.

Find out what happens next in Episode 8

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