Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 5

“Chizzy?” Dija stammered. “I thought you were dead! How did you get this number?” she asked.
“Oh, I see! You wanted me dead? So you could run off and marry my best friend?” Chizzy questioned.
“How dare you say that when you abandoned me here with him? What happened to your American wife? Did she send you packing?” she retorted.
“I don’t have any American wife. I was jailed for something I didn’t do. It was a case of mistaken identity,” he said, trying to explain.

“So why didn’t you call me?” Dija interrupted. “Was that too hard for you to do?” she continued.
“I was in prison, for God’s sake! I was denied any access to phones. How could I have possibly called you?” he replied. “Well, it’s too late now. I’m married to your best friend. What do you want from me now?” she asked.“That devil is not my best friend! He’s a cheat!” Chizzy shouted angrily. “I tried reaching you as soon as I was out of prison, but you were unreachable. So I called him. This was before your wedding. I got to find out later that he hid everything from you just so he could get married to you.”

“Are you sure of what you’re saying?” Dija asked in shock.
“I am positive. I would never have even been able to find you if I didn’t run into an old friend of ours who happened to have your new number,” he explained. “I need to see you,” Chizzy begged. “The thought of seeing you again is what has kept me going all this time.”
“What about Charles?” she asked.
“That cheat? He doesn’t have to know. Please do not tell him about this discussion,” he pleaded.
“I won’t,” she promised. They arranged to meet at a hotel the following weekend. Chizzy could not hold himself back when he saw her. He hugged her and started to kiss her on the lips. Dija slowly withdrew from his embrace, putting a finger on his lips.

“I’m married now,” she said softly. “You need to always remember that.”“Never!” he shouted. “You belong with me! That marriage between you and Charles should never have happened, and you know it,” he said, trying to kiss her again. “Well, it has happened already. There’s nothing we can do about it now,” Dija replied, pulling away from him. “Look into my eyes and tell me you don’t love me anymore,” Chizzy said, holding her hands while she looked away. “You see! You can’t do it because you still love me,” he said, gently touching her face.

READ ALSO :Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 4

“Charles was an option. I’m your choice. Why don’t you divorce him and come back to me?” Chizzy begged. “I will make you the happiest woman alive.”
“I can’t do that to him,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes. “He was there for me when you were nowhere to be found.”

“But I’m here now,” Chizzy interrupted. “We can build a future together. Remember the promises we made to each other?” he asked, kissing her on the forehead.
Dija could not deny the feelings she had for him were still very strong. She found herself meeting with him at hotels just to spend time with him every now and then. On each occasion, they would sleep with each other over and over again. This went on for months, and Charles never suspected a thing.
One day, Dija decided to go to the hospital to see a doctor as she had not been feeling too well for some time. After running a series of tests, the doctor finally came to discuss the results. There’s nothing wrong with you, madam. On the contrary, I have good news for you.”

“Really?” she asked, confused and relieved at the same time.
“Yes, madam. The tests we carried out show that you are pregnant,” the doctor said, smiling.
“Pregnant?” Dija asked, the smile quickly disappearing from her face.
“Yes, that’s what I said. Is there a problem?” the doctor asked.
“I just realised I’m not sure who the father is,” she admitted to the doctor

Find out what happens next in Eepisode 6

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