Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 3

“What are you trying to say?” Dija asked. “You’re getting me worried.”
“Calm down,” Chizzy replied, sitting her down. “I’m not saying we won’t get married. All I’m saying is we can’t do that now.”“Why not?” she asked.“Well, for starters, your father just died,” Chizzy pointed out.“Well, I haven’t said we should go ahead and get married tomorrow,” Dija countered. “I just thought to point that out,” he replied. “The main reason I said so is because my company has decided to send me to America on a training course, but it’s going to last for six months. I’d prefer we suspend all wedding plans till after then so we can do things the right way,” he finished.

“Right way? What right way are you talking about? Leaving me here all by myself—how is that right?” she argued.“Baby, you won’t be alone. I’ve discussed it with Charles, and he says it’s okay for you to stay here in our apartment while I’m away,” Chizzy explained.“Oh really? So you want to just run off and leave me here with your housemate?” Dija queried.“Charles is not just my housemate—he’s my best friend. He’s like a brother to me, and I trust him to take good care of you till I return,” he replied.“Well, I don’t!” Dija shouted. “I’m not comfortable living in the same house with another man just because he’s your best friend.”

READ ALSO : Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 2

“I promise you’ll be fine,” Chizzy calmly replied, holding her hands. “Six months will be over before you know it. I really need this training so I can get a promotion at the office. Can’t you see? This is for us so we can have a better life,” he added, trying to convince her.“Six months is a long time to be without you,” she said with tears filling her eyes.
“I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll call you every day, and I’ll send you money often,” he said, giving her a kiss.“When are you leaving?” she asked.“I’m leaving next month, so we still have some time together,” Chizzy replied as they hugged each other.

Time went by fast. The king was buried. Dija vowed never to return to the palace afterwards as it held bad memories for her since both her parents were dead. The king’s men were obviously unhappy about it, but she couldn’t care less.
The first of June 2012 finally came, the day Dija had been dreading—it was time for the love of her life to travel. She would have given anything to make him stay, but she knew it was for the best, so she had to let him go.“I’ll miss you,” she said, hugging him when they reached the airport.“I’ll miss you too,” Chizzy said, giving her a kiss. They said their goodbyes, and he was off.

Time seemed to pass slowly for Dija. Eventually, she got a job not too far from home. She and Chizzy would talk every night when she returned till she would fall asleep. This went on for about three months till, one day, Chizzy stopped calling. She had tried reaching him through every means possible, but there was no response. A week passed, and she still hadn’t heard from him.
It had been a month since she heard from Chizzy. Charles had not heard from him either. “I really hope nothing bad has happened to him,” she said, crying to Charles one day.“I’m sure he’s fine wherever he is,” Charles said. “I’m confident he will return as promised,” he assured.

The six-month period was eventually over. Chizzy did not return as promised. They had tried reaching his office to find out about his whereabouts but were told he had not reported for training for the past three months. His boss suggested that he probably absconded and decided to settle there. “He has probably arranged an American wife for himself to enable him to get a passport,” his boss had said nonchalantly.
Dija’s worry grew to disappointment and then to anger. “How can he just abandon me like that?” she asked Charles.“Chizzy is a man of his word. I’m sure he will be back soon,” Charles always said each time she asked.

She began to confide in Charles, and over time, they became good friends. He began to see her as his little sister. He took very good care of her and made sure she lacked nothing. Dija mistook his kind-heartedness for affection and began to fall in love with him. She began to notice how handsome and gentle he was. Sometimes Charles would catch her staring at him, but he thought nothing of it. One day, after work, Charles went to bed really early. He had fallen asleep long before Dija returned home. Later that night, there was a knock at his room door. He struggled to wake up and rolled over to his side, checking the time. “Three a.m.?” he exclaimed in surprise. “What is she still doing up at this time?” he thought. “Is anything the matter?” he called out from his bed.

“Please open up. I need to talk to you,” Dija said.“Can’t it wait?” he asked, already getting irritated. He hated when his sleep was interrupted.“It can’t. Please open up!” she begged.Charles hesitantly got out of bed to let her in. “What is it?” he asked, standing at the door.
“Can I come in?” she asked. “I won’t take too much of your time,” she pleaded.“It’s okay,” he said, letting her in. “Sorry if I’m a bit grumpy,” he apologised. “I was really enjoying my sleep.”
Dija walked in and closed the door behind her.“What was it you wanted to talk about?” Charles asked, sitting on the bed.
“It’s something that’s been on my mind for a while now,” she said, kneeling in front of him.
“I’m listening,” Charles said, starting to get uneasy.
“I want you,” she said, taking off her clothes. “I want you to have me,” she said, kneeling before him, totally naked . . .

Find out what happens next in Episode 4

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