Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 2

“What do you mean she is nowhere to be found?” screamed the king angrily as he stood up from his throne. “I placed my daughter in your care, and you stand there telling me such nonsense?”
“I’m as confused as you are, Your Majesty. I cannot explain how she could possibly escape from our watch,” the palace guard explained, trembling. “Find her and bring her to me before sunset or be prepared to die,” the king threatened.

Meanwhile, Princess Dija had successfully absconded from the palace with the help of one of the palace guards who was loyal to her. She had promised to reward him handsomely in the future. She caught the last flight out of town and went straight to Chizzy’s place on her arrival.“Where have you been?” he asked, hugging her when she finally reached his place. “I’ve been trying to reach you for days.”
“It’s a long story,” she replied with a sigh. “I’ll tell you everything later. I just need to rest now.”

About a week later, news of her father’s death reached her via an official statement from the palace released in the newspapers. Dija called the palace doctor immediately to confirm. “What is this I’m hearing about my father?” she asked when the doctor answered the phone. “Is he really dead?” “I’m afraid it’s true,” he replied. “How did he die?” she asked. “He had a myocardial infarction, which is popularly known as a heart attack. And it led to a cardiac arrest, which means his heart stopped beating and pumping blood round the body.” “Oh no!” she exclaimed. “That serious? Please, can you tell me a little more about it? I’m trying to understand what happened.”

READ ALSO :Unforgivable Betrayal – Episode 1

“It’s okay. I’ll explain,” the doctor assured her. Then he began, “Heart attack, commonly known as a myocardial infarction, is a serious medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to the heart is interrupted suddenly. It is usually caused by breakage of plaques formed by build-up of fat and cholesterol in the blood vessels of the heart. These plaques lead to the formation of blood clots, which eventually block the blood vessels supplying the heart, thus leading to the interruption of blood flow to the heart. It can also be caused by spasms in the blood vessels supplying the heart, which also lead to interruption of blood flow to the heart.”

“So why my father? What could have led to him having a heart attack?” Dija asked.
“Your father had a lot of risk factors. He was old, and it is common in older individuals, especially men forty-five years or older. He also had high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels . Some other risk factors include diabetes, obesity, stress, lack of physical activity, and smoking,” the doctor explained. “Is there anything people around him could have done to help?” Dija queried. “The most important thing you must do when you suspect someone is having a heart attack is to rush the person to the hospital immediately or call for an ambulance if there is one available.

However, on the way to the hospital, if the person eventually has a cardiac arrest and becomes unconscious, like your father did, then cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR, popularly known as chest compressions, should be done while transporting the person to the hospital. This helps to keep the blood flowing and may restart the heart,” the doctor added.
“Thank you for making things clearer, Doctor.” Dija said, hanging up the phone just as Chizzy walked in.She informed him of the bad news, showing him the newspaper.

“I’m really sorry,” he said, hugging her tightly. “I hope you’re not too devastated?” he asked, looking concerned.“I am,” she said. “But at least I have you. The only good thing about this is that we can finally get married in peace,” she continued, putting her head on his chest.“Oh, about that!” Chizzy exclaimed, pulling away from her. “We can’t get married.” “How do you mean?” Dija asked, looking puzzled. “I’m really sorry I had to break the news to you this way. I can explain,” he replied.

Find out what happens next in Episode 3

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