We have only but one duty which is to serve you with Undiluted truth no matter whose ox is gored.
Jkcyno news reported of the famous “I will rather die than drop the case against Chioma Okoli.” – Eric Umeofia (Erisco).
Who’s really this Eric Umeofia?…. To start with, Mr. Eric is from Amichi, Anambra state.
1. It is now establish that Chief Eric Umeofia, the CEO of Erisco Foods Limited is a bully.
2. In 2015, Chief Eric Umeofia used the then AIG of Zone 9 Umuahia, to arrest his elder brother, Chief Emmanuel Umeohia, CEO Emab Plaza who trained and nurtured him.
3. On March 6th 2017, he ordered thugs to destroy shops belonging to late Mr Chiemelu Anumba located at old Eke Amichi Market for daring to challenge him.
4. Similarly In August of the same year, he ordered the use of bulldozer to demolish the homes of members of his village, including that of Prof Emmanuel Ezeani who later sued him for criminal trespass and malicious destruction of property.
READ ALSO : Women Stage Solidarity Walk for Chioma Okoli against Erisco (video)
5. In 2018, Chief Umeofia used AIG zone 2 to arrest and intimidate Chief Francis Okafor, the then President General of Okpala Development Union, Amichi, his hometown. His entire village had to petion Buhari and Willie Obiano at the time to resolve the matter.
This man calls himself THE BUHARI OF AMICHI, proclaiming that he is above the law and untouchable. He goes about causing a lot of rift in Amichi and wastes inordinate amount of money to bully anyone who dare to challenge him in. Some of the prominent men in Amichi, stay away from him and his reckless acts to avoid wasteful confrontations.
Chief Umeofia need to be stopped before immediately before he turns himself into the Idi Amin of Amichi. #BoycottEriscoFoods #FreeChiomaOkoli