[dropcap]T[/dropcap]hree months later Jacinta felt really sick and at a point had to be taken to the hospital. While there, it was confirmed that she was pregnant. Both brother and sister were ecstatic about the news. They doted on her day and night. She was stopped from doing any house chores and she spent her weekends resting. As the pregnancy advanced, her desire for intimacy increased but Roy seemed to have lost interest in sex. When she inquired why he explained to her.
“Baby, I don’t think I can do this. I can’t make love to you while pregnant. I am scared when I am with you. Let us abstain for now till the baby comes. Please.”
She accepted just to make him happy.
They all went shopping for the baby. They were happy and excited. Jacinta and her mother travelled to the US for the delivery of the baby. The baby boy arrived. Roy and Mercy came to see them. There were joy and happiness. They all came back to Nigeria together.
When they returned to Nigeria, Jacinta’s mother observed the unusual closeness between brother and sister. She couldn’t understand how brother and sister do everything together. She started investigating and trying to see what her daughter couldn’t. It was very unclear but she knew there was more to the relationship. She called her daughter and shared her observation with her.
“Mama, please, don’t come and disrupt my family. My husband is very good to me. He loves me more than anything in this world. My sister-in-law is an angel and my best friend. They are very close. I can understand how it can be misconstrued.”
Read Also : Darkest Side Of Love – Episode 1
“Ok oh. If you say so. I think you should get a maid; someone that can tend to the baby when your husband and his sister are not available.”
“I think it is a good idea. I will discuss it with Roy before I conclude. But be looking out for one for me.”
Roy refused. He said he didn’t want anyone else staying with them in the house. He insisted that Mercy would be able to take care of the baby. Initially, Jacinta agreed but when she saw that Mercy couldn’t carry the baby well or even feed him right, she insisted. Roy had no choice but to agree.
Jacinta’s mother brought the maid. She stayed for two more weeks to groom the maid before she left. The maid proved to be very helpful; she could take care of the baby and also the household chores. Roy began to see her usefulness and accepted her.
“She will stay here till Mitch is two, then she would go. I still want it to be just us.”
Jacinta was fine with that. She resumed work knowing her child was in good hands. After two weeks, Roy wanted the maid gone.
“Why? What did she do to you?”
“She pries and I don’t like it.”
“I don’t understand. What has she done?”
“She peeps into the room when she thinks no one is seeing her.”
“Let me call and find out what is going on.”
I called my help Uche.
“Uche, what is the matter between you and Oga?”
“Auntie, nothing oh. I went to the back to hang clothes and auntie Mercy’s curtain and window were open. I saw her just coming out of the bathroom. Oga was in the room with her. Before I…..”
“Shut up your mouth. She was peeping through the window at Mercy. I came into the room to talk to her about something when I saw her peeping through the window. Why would she do that? I want her out of here.”
Jacinta had never seen Roy this angry before. While she was interested in the organization of the home, Roy was fighting the girl in the house. Uche apologized to Mercy and she accepted but her husband insisted. So, she took Uche away for three days and left the baby with them. They were not prepared and they couldn’t cope. Mercy couldn’t change the diaper or wash bottles. She did this to make Roy realize the need for Uche. Finally, he accepted. Uche came back.
Five months later, I got a call from my mother. After all the pleasantries, she added.
“How close are you to Uche?”
“Very close ma.”
“I don’t think you are close enough. Call her and tell her that she can confide in you about anything. She must not hide anything from you. Do that and promise me you won’t mention anything she says to Roy or Mercy.”
‘What’s going on mum?” Jacinta asked very confusedly.
“Nothing child. You need someone that would give you information in the home.”
“I don’t want anyone that will snitch on my husband or sister-in-law thereby causing problems between us.”
“Just listen to her and put on your cloak of wisdom.
Beautiful story Jk…but please don’t keep me on suspense for too long so I won’t lose interest
Hope its nt what am thinking abt? Incest?
I need the rest of darkest side of love