My Journey Home…..
My journey from school to Onitsha was torrid. I wished it was closer as my mind was so troubled. “What could be the cause of my sickness, “i wondered.
“Obioma…..”hope you bought bread? 🍞 if not, please go back, “chukwuEmeka joked with me as he sighted me alight from the okada man that brought me home from Upper-iwekka.
Never had Chukwu Emeka been serious as he seizes every opportunity to joke or make fun out of every situation…..unfortunately, that wasn’t the best time for bakery gimmicks.
I managed to drop a smile for him as i walked straight to my room without talking to him.
That was quite unlike me…. That definitely wasn’t Obiọma, “Emeka presumed as he followed me almost immediately.
“What’s the problem,” Obiọma?, he queried me with every bit of unease drawn on his face after noticing that water has passed garri.
“I’m fine, where is Papa and Mama?, ” i asked while reaching for the fridge to get some chilled water.
Immediately, Mama walked in and heard my voice…. “Whose voice am i hearing?,” is that my sweet daughter’s voice?, “she kept saying as she headed to my room.
Only if she realised that the toad does not run in the afternoon in vain.
“What’s the problem my daughter,” she asked as she realised that my countenance wasn’t familiar to what she was used to.”
“Mama, i don’t know what’s wrong with me, i fainted today at school during lectures,” i told her while facing the ceiling with tears rolling down my cheek.
I knew something was wrong with me, I knew all wasn’t fine with me but couldn’t really place my hand on what it could be.
Papa had gone to a prayer meeting at the church and wasn’t back by the time i returned. It was already getting dark and most probably, I wouldn’t be visiting the hospital that night.
Click to Read :The Blind Alley – Episode 17
Upon papa’s return, he felt very perturbed and got very angry with mama for not taking me to the hospital immediately I returned.
“My daughter, what’s wrong with you? ,” he asked me as he placed my head on his chest. Don’t worry nnem, i’m here now and nothing will happen to you.
Our mother of perpetual help would intercede for you, he reassured me.
Papa loved me so much and always believed i’d make him proud by becoming the best Physician …..yes, i also believed in myself.
His avid love for prayers had always inspired me.
I wished I knew what was wrong with me.
I didn’t say anything but sobbed….
Through the night, i prayed like never before. I barley slept a wink as i pleaded on our Mother Mary and my patron St.Jude Thaddeus to intercede for me.
Quite early in the morning, papa had woken everyone up as usual for our routine morning devotion before heading to the church for morning mass.
He asked mama to make sure she took me to our family doctor, dropped some money with her before leaving.
We arrived at Divine Life’s hospital at exactly 8:25 am and met no doctor on seat as mama asked about Dr.Fabian, our family doctor.
Not too long enough, he arrived and asked the Nurse to bring us to his office after he settled down.
“Obiọma, what’s wrong with you?,” he asked.
I took my time to explain to him exactly how it happened.
He looked at me for a while without uttering a word before asking me to come over to the stretcher beside his desk.
Mama sat back and looked pathetically at us…..she was so scared i’d tell.
My heart skipped…. You’d literally hear the reverberating sound of my heart as i couldn’t imagine what could be the result of my sudden sickness.
He opened my both eyes and mouth, pressed down my lower abdomen, shook his head and said….
“Mama, we have to run some tests before i would ascertain what’s wrong with her, he said to my mother.
It was obvious he already knew what my problem was but only needed some reconfirmation.
I was sent to the laboratory room to run some tests….
It was quick and the result didn’t take much time to come out….
The nurse sealed it in a brown envelope and delivered it to the doctor…..
“Mama, i’m afraid,” Obiọma is 4 weeks pregnant, he said to mama with a jittery voice.
4 weeks Gịnị?…” Ịsị gịnị doctor” (what did you say Doctor)?.. She repeatedly asked in utter disbelief.
At this moment, my whole world had come crashing at my feet…i had serious doubt if I wasn’t actually dreaming…. I really wished i was.
Mama turned to me just like Jesus turned to Peter when he denied him three times and wept uncomfortably.
she kept asking me why…. Obiọma why would you do this to our family?
Both of us unanimously cried some rivers and oceans as the Doctor tried his best to pacify the situation.
How would i explain this to Papa?…. How do i explain to him that Semi was responsible for my pregnancy?
“It’s finished,”i said to myself as we both left the hospital….
Hang on for the next Episode….
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© written by Echee Jk Ibezim of jkcyno stories
I knew it would come to this
Chai….oga semi has done it.