It would be recalled that INEC made an unprecedented announcement to Nigerians few hours ago announcing the cancellation of the already slated election exercise nationwide. This news hit many Nigerians hard especially the people who have taken the pain to travel to their respective villages as to partake in the voting exercise.
This is the height of inhumanity to humans. INEC had 3 years to plan for this election. Billions of Naira was budgeted for this and all promises were made prio to this midnight cancellation.
Did they consider the International observers, communities that had already entered Nigeria, booked their return flights hopefully to return immediately after election?
Whatever logistics excuse they would ever come up with must have been seen or felt for the past months prio to this day. Why wait till midnight? At least, if they had done this few days ago, some persons wouldn’t have risked their lives, spent money travelling to vote yet end up disappointed and demoralised thereafter.
It only means, majority of eligible voters would be disenfranchised due to this. Some people cannot afford to travel back and forth.
Having said that, what of the NYSC adhoc staff? It’s high time they stopped using corp members to do this since they can’t be taken care of. What actually happened to the billions appropriated for this election? Could it be that they already took the welfare of the entire adhoc staff for granted that they weren’t included in the budget?
Mind you, if care isn’t taken, this is the best moment for materials to go missing, manipulations and misappropriations of funds to swirl up.
Having said that, kindly look below and see the NYSC members who were subjected to such ill treatment just to conduct an election that never happened. How could this ever have happened? NYSC DG should take a closer look at how graduates are being treated.
Hello, even animals surely would have planned Better. Their lives were put at risk just to help do the needful.

And painfully enough, they’d all wake up to such ugly news even with the worst fate of taking care of themselves.
It was indeed a disappointing move by INEC in the late hour but we got no choice