Mugabe Sacks Vice President Mnangagwa

  [dropcap]P[/dropcap]resident Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe on Monday fired Emmerson Mnangagwa as vice president, Information Minister Simon Moyo said. Mnangagwa, a 75-year-old former intelligence chief, has been heavily-criticised by supporters of Mugabe’s wife, Grace, who has also been touted as a potential successor to her husband. Moyo said Mnangagwa had exhibited traits of disloyalty, disrespect

BREAKING: West Ham Sack Bilic

  [dropcap]W[/dropcap]est Ham sacked manager Slaven Bilic on Monday after a poor run of results that have left the club in the Premier League relegation zone. “West Ham United can confirm that Slaven Bilic has today left his position with the club,” the Hammers said in a statement on their website. The club hierarchy “believe