FR EJIKE MBAKA’S Adoration Ministry Closed Down By Catholic Diocese Of Enugu

“All the Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful in the Catholic Diocese of Enugu Dear Msgr, Frs, Bros. and Srs. Dear People of God. PASTORAL INJUNCTION ON ATTENDANCE TO CATHOLIC ADORATION MINISTRY CHAPLAINCY ENUGU In the light of the happenings in the Catholic Adoration Ministry Chaplaincy Enugu; capable of undermining the Catholic faith and teachings; and

Fr. Mbaka Finally reappears (video)

Rev. Fr.Ejike Mbaka who was reportedly missing in Enugu is found. You’d recall that jkcyno blog reported Members of Adoration ministry of Rev. Fr Ejike Mbaka staged a protest in front of the Bishop’s courts demanding for Mbaka’s waya out. Shortly, some of same members were seen jubilating that Mbaka is back Followers of Rev