Nigerian Govt Plans To Concurrently Run Four Budget Not Normal – Budgit

BudgIT  has condemned a plan by the Nigerian government to concurrently implement four national budgets. Gabriel Okeowo, BudgIT’s Country Director disclosed this in a statement on Friday. Recall that the Senate resumed plenary on Thursday to extend the capital section of the 2023 supplementary budget. The lawmakers said the budget is to run concurrently with the 2024

Budglt accuses lawmakers of diverting N100b constituency funds

Civic organisation,BudgIT, has accused members of the National Assembly  of diverting public funds with phony constituency projects. It said that most lawmakers do not carry out need assessment in their constituencies when dishing out projects but prefer projects for party loyalists under the guise of constituency projects. Budglt said that out of the N100 billion budgeted