See Why Our Forefathers Deserve Some Accolades


Our forefathers had no formal education yet they did exploits….in all ramifications, they stood out.  But,  i am going to pitch my discourse on food alone.

ever since i was born, i have been seeing and eating only 5 sets of soups as an “Igbo man”..

Hence : “Onugbu soup, Oha/Ora soup, Ọgbọnọ Soup, Egwusi Soup and Nsala/Usala soup. ..respectively .  “

All the aforementioned were written, designed and produced by our forefathers…

Which one has our Food and Nutrition graduates produced?…  Nothing aside wedding cakes…..

They didn’t have to study Applied Biochemistry before discorvering “Ogiri”… A spice with a very awful and pungent smell yet very delicious inside the sumptuous meal of Onugbu or Ora/oha soup.. ..

On the average, no slay Queen or lab.scientists would have given the poor “ogiri” any chance to prove its worth inside soup before labeling it as “Sample A” (poisonous Residue).

They didn’t study Botany before discorvering “Bitterleaf”…..imagine the processes they might have convincingly gone through before the bitter leaf tasted better. Same goes to so many other vegetables we savour today.

Most importantly, they did not study Chemical Engineering before embarking on  the rigorous processes involved in the “CASSAVA” processing…

without any laboratory 🔬, they were able to discover how to make cassava less poisonous, hence the various fermentation stages before certifying “FUFU” and “GARRI” suitable for consumption without NAFDAC.

Hold on a moment…did you know that cassava root crop is a very poisonous crop?

Meaning, some of our gallant forefathers died trying to process cassava as to get the normal Fufu, garri and other cassava related foods we have today….

Moment of silence for their souls biko…galant and resilient real scientists.. They sure deserve some accolades…!!!

Guinness Book should please invite me for some names…

The person that discovered “Onugbu soup” deserves to be in same category as Michael Faraday that discorverd Electricity ….

The list goes on and on…

How did they discorver , pepper ,okpenye as a spice, ụtazi, ụkpaka, alịbọ,…… Et al

What of my beloved “ofe akwụ”? And so many local delicacies “Shoprite and Chicken Republic”  have helped go extinct.. … “God dey…..”

Painfully, all our post millenial scientists, Food Nutrutionists, Agric Engineers and what have you, have been able to discorver for us the various ways of cooking “Noodles”….

How to bake cake. .. “Just negodu”!!!

Can’t they come together, put aside their make-ups, abandone their eye lashes and bow ties, enter into some new research and  discover some new soups bikonu….?

The ones we have are as old as “dinosaurs” which has gone extinct..

After a long while, they discovered how to cook one “ajọ ite” they call “Sauce”……mstecheeeeeeew…

That “sauce”  should be Chinese people’s version of “Nsala soup”….

It’s high time our university project supervisors made “discorvering of New foods” a research project in the final year.

Today, almost every of our forefathers native inventions, ranging from Medicine to food have been replaced by “oyibos” and we die early …..all thanks to cancer.

Please, my People, let’s read meaning into these my findinds and do something about it.

If i do not eat more new soups and delicacies here on earth, what would i tell the angels in heaven when i get there.. ?

I am so not happy about this……

As written by

Echezonam Ibezim Jk.

Image credit: pixabay

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