Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 31

“I met him first,” she snapped.
“Huh?!” I exclaimed looking at her like she was crazy, then she began to narrate her story
while I listened intently.
“I met Ken at a friend’s party when he was still in his 2nd year at University of Benin. I had
been home for a whole year at that time waiting to gain admission into the university, after
my unsuccessful first attempt at my university entrance exams. A friend of mine had invited
me to attend a party at his house and being the introvert that I was, parties weren’t really my
thing, but he insisted, so I obliged. I had planned to just breeze in and breeze out of the party
as I was even too shy to make friends but as fate would have it, I met Ken and plans
“He was tall, handsome and well-dressed and I had noticed he kept staring at me from the
moment I walked in but didn’t think anything of it until moments later when my friend, who
was the celebrant, came up to me with Ken following closely behind and said he’d like me to
meet his friend—that was how we were introduced.
“I could hardly keep eye contact with him throughout our conversation, his charm was
intimidating. He tried as much as possible to make me feel relaxed but it just wasn’t
working… I was getting more nervous by the minute. Much later, I made an excuse to leave
the party and headed back home but not before exchanging phone numbers with Ken—he
had insisted that it was only on that condition that he’d let me go.
“He called me later that night before I went to bed and we talked endlessly for hours. I wasn’t
so shy over the phone and his charm wasn’t as intimidating since I could only hear his voice,
although his voice alone had me falling in love already. One thing led to another and we
started seeing each other. He was my first love…

READ ALSO :Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 30

At the time I was a virgin and had vowed to
keep it that way till marriage. He attempted to sleep with me many times when I went to visit
him on campus but I never allowed it. I couldn’t even imagine myself naked in front of him, I
was too shy.

“I always made sure I never slept over at his place so he wouldn’t be tempted, until one day I
went to visit him after my tutorial classes for my 2nd University entrance exam attempt. I had
some difficult assignments that I needed him to help me with, and by the time we were done
it was already getting dark. I had never left his place later than 6 pm before and would still
have attempted going home if it hadn’t started raining heavily. I waited anxiously for the rain
to stop but it just kept pouring and by the time the weather was better, it was very late. He
begged me not to go home because it was too dangerous for me to leave at that time of the
night but I was still bent on risking the journey back home. After much persuasion, I
eventually agreed to stay, he made me dinner and afterwards I went to lie on the bed. When
he was ready to sleep he came over and lay beside me. I was still very naive at the time, I
had never slept over at any man’s place in the past, let alone slept on the same bed with a
man. I was uncomfortable and he could sense it, so he promised he wasn’t going to sleep
with me, so I relaxed and fell asleep.“Much later at night I felt a hand go up my skirt, I
thought it was a dream, then I started to feel a bulge at my backside but I was still too sleepy
to make any sense of it until I felt my panties being pulled down my legs. I immediately woke
up to find a naked Ken towering over me on all four limbs. ‘What are you doing?’ I screamed
in horror. ‘Relax babe,’ he said, ‘I want to show you what real love is,’ I asked ‘what do you
mean?’ and moved away from him, but he pulled me back, saying, ‘let me show you what I
mean,’ and tugged at my skirt. ‘Ken please stop,’ I begged. ‘I can’t baby, I love you too much
to stop now,’ he whispered, pulling off my skirt as I struggled. ‘let me show you what real
love is!’”

Find out what happens Next….

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