Nigerians take the Curse to Wike, Tribunal, others involved

Nigerians are not relenting from laying more curses on those that denied them of the opportunity to witness a new Nigeria.

You’d recall that Well-meaning Nigerians Unanimously Placed  CURSES on Mahmood Yakubu.

This afternoon, they have moved it a bit further to extend to All the Judiciary members that aided that crime…. Judiciary, Festus Okoye, Nyesom Wike, Tribunal…. Etall


These curses are divine and so shall it be on Wike and his family. The bible says that do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” – Galatians 6:7 (ESV). Wike, has sown destruction and he will reap it. He will never know peace. On Wike, I decree that:

1. May the fires of justice burn fiercely upon Wike, destroying his corrupt soul and leaving him to wither in the ashes of his own wickedness.

2. Let the curses of today and everyone Wike has oppressed and marginalized rise up like thunderstorms, unleashing terror upon Wike and his family, and drowning him in the floodwaters of his own wickedness.

3. May the vultures of karma circle relentlessly above Wike, and devour every shred of his ill-gotten gains.


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4. Let the shackles of his crimes bind Wike’s spirit, dragging him down into the depths of despair and ensuring that he knows no peace until he has paid for his sins.

5. May the wrath of the people rise up like a tsunami, crashing down upon Wike and sweeping away the foundations of his power until he is left stranded and alone in the ruins of his corruption.

6. May the darkness of Wike’s deceitful schemes consume him, leaving him to wallow in the depths of his corruption for eternity.

7. Let the weight of his betrayal on the people of Rivers crush his legacy, condemning him to be remembered as nothing more than a puppet of greed and manipulation.

8. May the cries of the oppressed and disenfranchised haunt Wike’s conscience, a constant reminder of the lives he has destroyed for his own selfish gain.

9. May the light of truth expose Wike’s wickedness for all to see, stripping him of his power and influence until he is nothing but a forgotten corrupt man.


This session will be for the tribunal and supreme court judges that threw justice into the bin. I prophecy:

1. May the betrayal of justice by those who sit in judgment haunt them and their descendants for generations to come, a stain upon their legacy that can never be washed away.


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2. Let the weight of their corruption crush their families, condemning their children to a lifetime of shame and disgrace for their complicity in perverting the course of justice.

3. May the anguish of the oppressed Nigerian people weigh heavy on the hearts of these judges and their future generations , a constant reminder of the injustice they have unleashed upon the nation.

4. Let their names be forever synonymous with betrayal of the Nigerian people, corruption and deceit, a curse upon their lineage that ensures they will never know peace or honor.

5. May the divine wrath of the Lord descend upon the judges and their children, condemning them to suffer the same injustices they have inflicted upon the Nigerian people, until they perish and confess.

The bible says:

“Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey!” – Isaiah 10:1-2 (ESV).

This shall be the portion of the judges and their family members.


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