Important letter to the Judiciary ahead of PEPT Judgement

Kindly forward this to the Judiciary…

Dear Nigerian Judiciary,

It is becoming obvious to all reasonable men that the deliberate and clearly intentional delay in dispensing justice at the PEPT is clearly aimed at giving “Bola Tinubu” enough time to consolidate his hold on power.

I find myself duty-bound to inform you of the possible consequences of this denial of justice on Nigeria and 130 million of the world’s poorest people. Giving Tinubu this much time to consolidate his grip on power has consequences that go beyond the political.


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First of all, the lack of urgency or diligence in attending to this matter suggests that their lordships have already concluded that the man currently occupying the highest office in the land is the rightful person to do so. If they were otherwise persuaded, by whatever means, there would be a lot more urgency in their handling of the case, in order to prevent that party from damaging the Res/prejudicing the case.

This puts an unfortunate doubt on the oft touted trope – that the judiciary is the last hope of the common man. The distrust of the Nigerian judiciary that already exists will only get worse, not only locally, but internationally, along with the economic ramifications of that aspect.

In his desperation to acquire legitimacy and appear “presidential”, Tinubu himself an illegitimate occepabt of the office he sits in, is on the verge of igniting a war with our brothers in Niger, where diplomacy would have been more effective, not minding the devastating human cost in both Niger and Northern Nigeria.

To consolidate his grip even further, he has been busy frantically signing away our mineral resources for a pittance, and using the NNPC to dig us into an even deeper financial hole than the supremely incompetent, greedy, thieving and brutal “Buhari” left us in. Our foreign reserves have dwindled to less than $4 billion in less than three months!

Things are bound to get progressively worse, the longer Tinubu is allowed to weild presidential power, just going by his miserable antecedents in Lagos.

In the end, the judiciary too will be victims of the impunity they are allowing, and I am appealing to you to not only do the right thing, but to do it at the right time in order to pull our country back from the edge of the sheer cliff it’s teetering dangerously on.

Justice Delayed, is Justice Destroyed.

Kind Regards,


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