How to Build a New Version of Yourself

Sometimes, one may need to pause, reexamine his life and probably learn and un-learn certain things.

The write up below proves to be very helpful when applied diligently..

Build a completely new version of yourself in less than 90 days:

Here’s how:

1. Focus on ONE thing

Focus on 1 at a time, instead of 5 things with 20% focus each.

Here is how:

• Get rid of the distractions

2. Do ONE step at a time

Don’t try to beat Elon without learning a Skill.

Here is how:

• Find the next step
• Identify your goal
• Concentrate and Focus on one step
• Make a timeline to achieve each and every milestone.


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3. Start Managing Your TIME

If you want to do more,
If you want to be effective,
If you want to achieve more

The skill you need to learn is Time Management

Here is how:

• Prioritize wisely
• Organize yourself
• Set goals correctly
• Set a time for every task.

Take a meaningful break
• Focus on single-tasking
• Make a to-do list
• List out priorities

4. Start Building Your Network

Find who can help you,
Find who you can help,
Find who has the authority

When you do, you get Power and Strength

Here is how:

• Find a commonality to share with them
• Be the one who hosts the party
• Show your Genuine Expertise.

5. Consume Quality

You Read or
You Listen or
You Watch

Make sure you are consuming the highest quality.

Here is how:

• Make time for it
• Ask relevant people
• Find where it is available
• Create and Ask Creative Questions.

– Ninja Wisdom


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