Finding Happiness – Episode 12

Edna smiled as she ended the call with her
son. He was on his way he’d said although
he would be a bit late, he had to drop off
his girlfriend first before coming to pick
her at her shop. She couldn’t complain, she
would just wait for him a while. What
could she do? She couldn’t compete with
his girlfriend and it wasn’t like he was her
driver. He was doing her a favour since
her driver was on sick leave.

She was a very proud mother. The boy had
grown up to be everything any woman
wanted in a son, a good heart, put others
before himself and really hardworking. He
had been a blessing since the first moment
she’d held him in her arms. He’d been a
good child and now he was a good,
promising young man. He had the heart of
his mother and would make a great
husband to a lucky girl, she was very sure
of it.
She couldn’t take all the glory for bringing
him up in the right way. She’d done her
best as a mother but she knew it was by
God’s intervention she’d been able to steer
them away from a life of poverty and into
immense wealth and promise.
She remembered the late Chief, her only

He was another one of those
special kind of men who were put on earth
to fulfil a mission before being called
home. He’d been a very loving, patient,
kind and selfless man. Very wealthy but
the money had meant nothing to him.
Family had always come first for him.
He’d come into her life at a time when
things had only just begun to turn around
for her. She’d just started her small
women apparel business when she’d met
him. It had been at her first little shop in
Garki .

He’d been confused, looking for a perfect
gift for his then twelve year old daughter’s
birthday. He’d come into her shop
thinking he’d find a frock or something for
her but she had only lace materials for
women and some jewelry.
She’d advised him to get her a necklace
instead, a timeless piece that would help
her remember him at all times. Tonye had
been the same age at the time and she
knew what her daughter craved. He’d
liked her idea and instantly bought one
with a heart shaped locket that allowed for
a tiny picture inside. She’d doubled the
price for it but he hadn’t blinked for a
second, he’d had really bad bargaining
skills. He’d not needed it anyway as he
could easily afford it afterall.

The next week he had been back and she’d
thought he’d come to get something else to
spoil his daughter with but had been
shocked when he’d shyly asked her out.
She’d immediately agreed because he had
been a great catch. A handsome, wealthy
widower like that didn’t come by her way
everyday. It had gone uphill from there.
They’d dated for two years and even
though his daughter hadn’t taken to her
and her kids he’d asked her to marry him
believing over time she would warm up to
them. Unfortunately she never had and
Edna had stopped trying long ago. The girl
was just a spoilt brat who wanted her
father all to herself.

She had lost him in a car crash accident in
which she’d narrowly escaped with her
own life and still had nightmares about it.
It was why till date she refused to drive,
she’d been driving at the time and talking
with her late husband who had been in the
passenger seat. It had been quite late and
they were returning from a friends party,
she’d taken her eyes off the road for a
second and when she’d looked back it had
been too late. An out of control trailer had
swerved from the other side of the road
into theirs and cleared them off.
She’d had no chance of dodging it,
everyone had said but she knew within
herself that if she’d not taken her eyes off
the road, she might have done something
about it. She missed Tombra so much, He’d
been one in a million.

She knew because
she’d had the share of failed relationships.
“Madam.” Susan, one of the sales clerks cut
into her reverie.
“You have a guest.”
She frowned, she wasn’t expecting anyone
“Show her in.”
“It’s a man, ma.”
Even more strange “Okay, show him in.”
The girl left and moments later Edna was
greeted by the sign……


READ ALSO : Finding Happiness – Episode 11


“ So you say she acted weird?” GG asked
Tekena. He had picked her after the party
at her friend’s place. Now they were in his
room talking about his mother’s bizarre
attitude that afternoon when Tekena had
gone to her shop.
“ Really weird. The look she gave me, I all
but ran out of the office, and later in the
car when I tried to ask who the guy was
she told me to mind my business and
concentrate on my driving.”

He was sitting at the study desk , running
the afternoon’s events through his head.
Something was up, he was sure about it.
His mother who liked to gist and gossip
about everything was being so tight
“ Do you think he’s her boyfriend? Or a
secret lover?” She asked wiggling her
eyebrows at him and he smiled at her
“ The thought occurred to me, he was good
looking, you know? In an elderly sort of
way.” He shrugged “ He could be. That
might be why she was acting so strange,
maybe they had a lovers spat.”
GG laughed. “ So old people still fight?”
“Who doesn’t, besides my mom isn’t old,
She’s forty eight, that isn’t old and I think
she looks quite good too for a woman in
her late forties.”

GG sat up “Dude, are you in love with your
mother? You sound like that.”
“Eww, I was just saying.” He made a face,
he liked his mother a lot but definitely
wasn’t in love with her or anything. “ How
can I be in love with her when I have you
in here in my room.” He smiled.
“I’m in your room and you are sitting way
over there?” She accused.
He laughed. “Why didn’t you just say you
wanted me closer.” He got up and walked
to where she was, lounging on the bed.
“So you want me to spell it out for you
abi? What sort of girl do you take me for?”
She joked.

Smiling, he pulled her up to the edge of the
bed, into a sitting position and then knelt
down in between her legs. “The kind that
always speaks her mind damning the
“Gosh, you are so hot.” She ran her hands
down over his face.
“That was why you showed me off like
some prize donkey at the party, abi?” He
She burst into laughter. “All my girlfriends
were in awe. They wondered where I’d
found such an Adonis and you were such a
great sport. Thank You.”
She said giving him a light kiss on the lips,
her hands on either side of his face.
“ You’re welcome.” He replied her.
“ But you got me almost angry though,
arriving so late, I had even decided to take
a cab.” She pouted
“I apologised, GG, you know how busy I

He told her. “I was like a madman
running all over the place to keep all my
appointments today. Usain Bolt would
have been envious.”
She giggled “ You are so funny.” She kissed
him again, this time lingering on his lips.
Without warning, he seized her lips with
his in a hungry kiss.
His lips smooched hers till her hands
tightened on his arms, obviously, she
wanted more.
Slowly, sensually, he caressed her lips
open with his tongue and then slipped it
in, in search of hers. She let out a light
groan when he found it. Wet and willing.
She moaned again, that was his cue to
explore some more, Pulling her closer to
him so that her breasts pressed against his
chest, he ran his hands down her back till
he found the zipper of her gown which he
pulled down and then searched for her bra
, expertly unhooking it, he released her
“Are you okay with this?” He asked cutting
the pleasurable kiss short “ There might be
no going back after here.” He warned.
“Do I look like I’m complaining?” She
asked back, her eyes clearly showing her
Suddenly, he was hit with an awesome
idea. “ I know what will go perfectly with
“What?” She asked.
“Champagne.” He told her and before she
could reply he got up. “Don’t move.” He
said as he left.
Hurrying down the stairs into the kitchen,
he met Deifa.
She looked up from where she was sitting,
going through a textbook. The kitchen
smelt heavenly.
What was she doing here so late? He
She ignored him at first, looking back at
her book but as if remembering they …….

To be continued

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