Finding Happiness – Episode 10

Tekena felt like he needed to punch
someone’s face, that someone being Osaze!
The fool had even more gall than he’d
given him credit for. He was seated at the
lounge at Exclusive Stores with Alissa,
Deifa’s friend who was telling him what
had gone down that afternoon. He
probably should have beaten the guy a lot
more before throwing him out that other
night, might have put some sense into him.
“ You mean he actually got her car
vandalised?” He asked again just to be
sure he was hearing correctly.
“ Yes he did and then called her to make
lewd threats, that she should come over to
his apartment tomorrow evening if she
didn’t want more trouble.” Alissa added.
Tekena frowned, he was tempted to go to
the apartment right then and beat the hell
out of him but had to rein himself in
check. He needed to plan this carefully
and thoroughly, go through the right
channels so that it didn’t escalate into
something else as the fool was a frat guy.
“And Deifa? How did she take
everything?” He had to ask. “Is she okay?”
“ At first she was shaken but then I
reassured her that I would take care of
everything and she felt a little better.”
“Okay, good. I want you to call her tonight
or in the morning and tell her it’s all been
taken care of. That she needs not worry or
be at his place tomorrow.”
“Okay….” She said “Can I ask what you
plan on doing?”
“I have my ways, don’t worry about it.”
“You’ll be careful, wouldn’t you? You know
he’s a …..”
“I know, I know. I’ve got it all covered. He
won’t be a problem anymore but please
advice your friend to mind who she
Alissa smiled, “We can’t understand the
heart sometimes.”
‘Tell me about it’ He thought to himself,
loving a girl who’d never given him the
time of day.
“Besides you know how stubborn she can
be.” Alissa added.
“That, I do know.” He said glancing at his
wristwatch and seeing it was ten fifteen.
“ And on that note Tekena, I’m going to
have to leave you. I’ve got an early day
tomorrow and I’m sure you would want to
begin your putting your plans together.
Thanks for this really, I knew you cared
deeply about her.” She got up and Tekena
got up too. “She’s a really good person just
quite stubborn.”
Tekena managed to come up with a smile
“I know and you’re a very good friend.”
She left and he sat down. Now where
would he start from? He didn’t want to
personally go and bash the psycho’s brain
in, if he had one anyway. That might cause
more problems. He’d have to go over the
guys head.
Getting out his phone, he dialled the one
person he was sure could make everything
go away. He picked on the third ring.
“ Bros Tikky, how far?”
“ Larry, I dey, I have a little issue that I
need taken care of” Tekena said going into
it immediately.
“Okay, anything for you, boss.” Larry said
very eager.
He had such high regards for Tekena that it
was baffling. Tekena wasn’t sure what
he’d done to deserve it, he was sure if he
asked Larry to get to the moon to collect
some sand, he’d do it without blinking.
Tekena suspected he was the current
leader of the frat group Osaze belonged to
in school. He’d never had confirmation
but he’d heard guys talk about it. ‘Little
Larry’ as he was fondly called wasn’t little
at all, his looks were misleading. He
maintained a low profile and managed to
do quite well in his class, the way he
operated, he was as deadly as a snake –
The king cobra. That was the name they’d
given him.
The King was largely unknown but the
mere mention of his name put fear in guys
on campus, you never wanted to be on the
king’s wrong side. Only a few people knew
his true identity.
Now, Tikki was unsure if Larry was indeed
the king cobra but if you analysed him, he
could be. He hardly ever spoke, was hardly
ever noticed, always walked with two other
guys, usually Segun and Michael. Who
were much larger in size and formidable,
obviously his security although they acted
like his elder brothers. He was the
youngest of the trio .

Read Also : Finding Happiness – Episode 9

Osas lay on his king sized bed, eyes on the
LED television screen but not seeing much.
He was already daydreaming about how
the next evening’s rendezvous with little
miss perfect would turn out and literally
holding himself back from salivating. The
bitch he’d dated for years would finally be
his for the taking and he wondered why he
hadn’t just forced her before now?

Whyhad he needed to play to her rules like
some learner? Maybe he’d actually felt
some feelings for her?
He ran that through his mind and finally
decided he didn’t. People like himself
didn’t have time for anyone but
themselves. It had had been a mistake
playing by her rules though, trust a girl to
always take you for a ride when you gave
her an ounce of power.

He didn’t feel bad
about the car, the bitch had the money to
make all the repairs or better still buy
another one. He almost couldn’t wait for
7pm to come when she would be at his
mercy. She would give back all that she’d
held back from him in the last four years.
Girls, they needed a man that took charge
of the situation. His phone ringing caught
his attention.

He glanced at the screen, “Mira.” What did
this one want now? Why was she
disturbing him? He didn’t need her
services this night, he was saving all his
strength for Deifa. He wanted to enjoy that
one to the fullest. This Mira was just
disturbing him. He might not even need
her for a while sef if all went well with

“Yes?” he asked brusquely
“Is this Osas?” She asked cautiously
Girls and their stupid questions. “Whose
number did you intend to call, babe?”
“ah ahn, Osas, look at the way you’re
talking to me. Is there a problem?”
“I’m busy right now babe.”
“ Busy doing what?”
“What the fu-?” who was this bitch to ask
him such stupid questions, he didn’t blame
her, he was the one to blame for giving
her too much of his time and making her
feel important. “Look Bitch, it’s not your
business what I’m doing.

Don’t call me
ever, you heard me? Never ever! I’ll call if
I need your services. You get that? If you
ever call me again, even by mistake it will
get really ugly for you. Get that through
your thick head!” He hung up. Can you
imagine the audacity of that campus twat?
What was wrong with him sef? He was
seriously slacking; see all these useless girls
trying rubbish around him, had he gone
soft or something?

He never got to finish that line of thought.
The lights in his house suddenly went off.
He sat up on his bed, that was odd. It was
rare for the power to go off in this
neighbourhood and perchance it went, his
inverter was supposed to come on
immediately. The batteries were always
fully charged.
He got up from the bed about to go and
check when he saw black hooded shadows
filing in and gathering around him. Seven
of them, he couldn’t see their faces but the
Modus Operandi was that of his frat
brothers. He was sure about it as he’d
been sent on assignments enough times to
know these were his guys.

A cold shiver went through him as he
wondered what they were they here for?
“What is this about?” he asked wondering
if they were there to kill him and for what
“Osaze Asemota! You have failed your
brothers.” One of them started.
What the hell? This must be a huge
mistake, what the hell were they talking
about? “Failed? How?” He asked

“You have stepped out of line, disrespected
and trodden on the Kings tail and now he
bares his fangs.”
The king? The king cobra? Hell no, that
wasn’t possible, he could never mess with
the king! That was sacred territory.
“This is a mistake, brothers-“ he tried to
“Stay away from Deifa Silva, the king
warns. If as much as a strand of hair is
touched, there will be hell to pay!”
What the hell? Deifa? Protected by the king
Cobra himself?
“Did you get the message?”
“Yes, I’ll stay away from her.”
“good.” The hooded guy replied and then
dispersed as silently as they’d come
backing away.
He waited until they were all out the door
before switching on the power,

Stay tuned …..

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