The Darkest side of love – Episode 1


Illustrative image: pixabay



[dropcap]J[/dropcap]acinta met Roy at her cousin’s wedding. She attended that wedding by chance. She had just written her last papers when she was informed that the wedding was taking place that weekend. It was a high-class wedding which meant there would be quality food in good quantity and eligible men. She dressed to kill. She was a tall chocolate skinned beauty with curves in the right places. She dressed to show them off.
Roy walked in. He was not the one that got the attention of all the guests; it was his sister. She was tall, slim, light skinned and very beautiful. She turned both male and female guests at the reception. He brother, Roy, was there by her side like her bodyguard. He was also at her beck and call. He didn’t allow her to do anything. He got her food and drinks. It was like they were in a world of their own and he didn’t allow anyone talk to her.
Fortunately, Jacinta, Roy and his sister Mercy shared the same table. Jacinta observed that even though his sister stole the show; he was equally very good looking. Everyone stared at them and the ladies began to cut eye for him.  I was with dismay the way the ladies tried to get his attention and hit on him while the guys tried to get his sister’s attention. They were both not interested.
Mercy asked Jacinta a question and that was how they struck up a conversation. When he spoke, his voice took her to the highest heavens. He had the sweetest voice she had ever heard. She liked him instantly but she refused to appear desperate like the other girls. The ladies enjoyed each other’s company at the wedding that they exchanged numbers so they could chat more often. That night, Mercy sent her a message and their friendship blossomed from there.
Each time they hung out; big brother was always with Mercy. She wondered why. She didn’t mind though; she was getting to know Roy and he was now very relaxed in her company. My heart still skips a beat each time he is around me.
One day, Mercy had this conversation with Jacinta.
Mercy:  Hello Jacinta.
Jacinta: Hi Mercy.
Mercy: I have been meaning to ask you this question. Do you like my brother?  I have seen the way you look at him and I suspect you like him.
Jacinta: Your brother is every girl’s dream guy; tall dark and very handsome and comfortable.  I like him but he doesn’t seem to notice me.
Mercy: H has noticed you and he likes you too. I think both of you should hang out more often.
That was all the prompting she needed. Roy called her and they hit it off. He called her up and they went on private dates. The dates always ended with him being a gentleman; a peck on the cheek. Jacinta wanted more but she couldn’t make demands so she doesn’t look like a spoilt girl.
Jacinta received her NYSC posting and was very excited. As the relationship got deeper and she was preparing to serve, they had the conversation.
Roy: I love you, Jacinta. I have never met any lady like you. You are so much fun to be with and every moment we spend apart is like torture to me. I love you.
Jacinta: I love you too Roy.
Roy: Since you are going for NYSC, I am worried that another man would take you away from me.
Jacinta: Nobody can take you away from me.
Roy: Then marry me. I want to be the only man in your life.
Jacinta: Are you proposing?
Roy went on his knees and asked her the question, “Will you marry me?” She was in tears as she said “Yes” and accepted his ring. She was engaged as she went for her NYSC.
She took him to meet her parents and also went to meet his. Mercy was very happy to have her as a sister-in-law. They were already very close friends. The wedding was planned for after her NYSC.
The wedding took place amidst glitz and glamour. Her sister-in-law now her best friend was her chief bride’s maid. Roy gave her the wedding of her dreams. It was the most beautiful experience she had ever had. The wedding night had scared her. Roy had insisted they abstained from sex until they get married. She was worried then. She was scared that he might have a problem he didn’t want her to know about.  He proved her wrong on her wedding night. He was an excellent and passionate lover who satisfied all her desires.
They went together for the honeymoon. They went to nearby Ghana to spend a week and they went with his sister and her best friend. It was so much fun and enjoyed every bit of it. They went to a hotel by the beach and also toured Ghana.
When they came back from the honeymoon, he informed her that his sister would be staying with them. After the honeymoon, he informed her that his sister was going to be living with them. Her girlfriend and now best friend was moving in with them; that will be triple fun. He rented a three bedroom terrace house and they all moved in there. Where they stayed before was still nice but he wanted a change which she was very fine with.
Her job hunt paid off two months after the wedding. She got a good job. It was a bank job which was time consuming. He allowed her take the job. He told her to build a career for herself and not allow anything or anyone hold her back including him. Roy was an angel. Most nearly wedded guys didn’t want their wives working in the bank. Roy was home most of the time. He ran his online business from home while her sister in law was an Interior Decorator. Together they racked a good amount of money and lived above comfortable lives. Jacinta left for work every day and came home late at night to two people she loved so much and a lovely meal. She only cooked during the weekends; her sister in law took care of them during the week……
Hang on for Episode 2
credit  : OgeStories
original name: I Love Her

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7 Replies to "The Darkest side of love – Episode 1"

  1. Hop dis story wil last cos it seems lik am making sense of wot d next episide wil b….tnx 4 starting dis

  2. Interesting.
    Please, I can’t wait for the next episode.
    Hope you would post it soon and, can I be notified, via my email, Facebook or even WhatsApp, when next episode is posted?

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