Dangerous Disguise – Episode 40

“Hey Chale! It’s been a while,” the voice of my ever happy Ghanaian friend, Bethany sounded from the receiver. Bethany was my childhood friend, we attended the same church all through my high school days before her Father’s company transferred him back to Ghana and she moved back with her family. Somehow, we had managed to keep in touch ever since then, she had visited Nigeria a couple of times during our university days.

“I know Sis, my life has just been so busy lately” I replied, sounding downcast. “Are you ok?” she asked, noticing the tone of my voice. Trust the ever observant Bethany to immediately notice that all wasn’t well. “A lot has happened” I began, “it’s a long story, but I’ll explain later. I just really need your help right now” I said. “I’m happy to help. Just tell me how” she replied, “I need to leave Nigeria for a while, I’m thinking of coming to Ghana. I was hoping I could stay with you for a while till I figure things out” I finally blurted out. “Of course, why not?” Bethany said, sounding excited. “It would be good to see you again after so long.”
Bethany had always been that friend I could rely on at any time. We didn’t talk all the time, but when we talked we reconnected easily, like we never stopped talking. I had made up my mind to leave with Yuri to Ghana at least till all the dust surrounding David had settled. I couldn’t bring myself to report David to the authorities, but at the same time, I couldn’t risk going to jail and leaving Yuri with no parents to care for her.

My father, upon hearing the news about David, had ordered my mother to return home immediately leaving just David, Yuri and I at home. I knew it was only a matter of time before the Police closed in on us. After hanging up the phone, I started packing my bags, while Yuri slept peacefully.

“What’s going on?” David asked, when he entered the room and saw me packing. “I’m leaving. Everything that’s happening is just too much. My continued stay here will put Yuri in danger.” I replied. “So you’re just going to walk away? After everything that we shared?” David asked, looking dejected. “Babe, you lied to me. This whole marriage is a lie. I feel like I don’t even know you. I have no idea the next new thing about you that might spring up from nowhere”  I said.
“I promise, the guy you know is who I am. Everything you know about me is true. I didn’t lie about anything else. I only hid the part about what I did because I was too ashamed. I was too scared to lose you. I needed you to feel safe around me. Please don’t leave me, I need you now more than ever.” he pleaded. “I can’t bring myself to be with a kidnapper, a killer, a menace to society.” I added, ignoring his plea. “I have never killed anyone in my whole life. Yes I know I have guns, but It’s just for protection, I promise you, I have never killed anyone. This kidnapping gig only started about a year before I met you. And none of our targets were killed or maltreated. Everyone in our custody had the best treatment possible, we made sure they were well catered for, we only instilled fear in their family members, so we could get results.” David explained. “Ok, great. You never killed anyone. But what about the psychological trauma you have put them through?” I asked.

Psychological trauma is an emotional response to a horrible event like an accident, sexual and physical abuse, or kidnapping like in the case of Ugochi’s Aunty. It is common for people to experience shock and denial following these events. Over time, people experiencing psychological trauma may start to experience recurrent, distressing memories of the traumatic event, flashbacks, strained relationships,nightmares and insomnia. Some people experiencing psychological trauma have difficulty moving on with their lives or going about their regular daily activities. Psychotherapy –speaking with a mental health professional, can help people going through psychological trauma to recover over time.

READ ALSO : Dangerous Disguise – Episode 39

“What about Ugochi’s Aunty? Do you think she has been normal since the kidnapping?” I questioned further trying to appeal to his conscience. Ugochi’s Aunty’s kidnapping was an unfortunate coincidence, she was a target because of how successful her husband was. Her husband’s account officer in the bank had tipped us off on his net worth based on his account balance. Her operation was planned even before I met you, there was no way I could have known that she was related to your friend.

“So why did you pretend to help when I reached out to you? You called ASP Grace to help out with the case. What was all that about?” I asked. “It was too late to back out by then, the deed had already been done. I just needed to bring it all to an end as soon as possible. I also didn’t want you calling the police on us and blowing our cover. That was why I had to step in with ASP Grace.” David explained.

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” I replied, shaking my head, trying to make sense of what I heard. “ASP Grace is a police woman. What do you mean by you didn’t want us calling the police on you? You called the police yourself.” I pointed out. “Yes I did. ASP Grace is part of us. She receives kickbacks from everything we get. She makes sure that no one from the police force is on our trail.” David explained.

“Wow! Just wow!” I replied. “I don’t even know what to say.” I added.
“I know how difficult this must be for you. I understand how shocking it must be for you hearing all these right now. But I promise you, it’s all in my past. I have reached out to the team. I am no longer doing this anymore. I am ready to start a new life with you.” David pleaded.

“So what about the young lady that was kidnapped? The one on the news? What happens to her?” I asked, “she will be released back to her family tonight. My guys are already making plans to head out of town after her release.” David replied.

“Please baby, I’m done. I quit. I promise there will be no more secrets from now on. Please let’s start all over again. Remember everything we shared. Yuri needs us both. Please” he begged, kneeling down.

Just immediately, my phone rang. It was Ugochi calling. “Chioma, are you alone? ” she asked, sounding like she had something urgent to say. “Yes” I lied,  “My aunty just called. The police just left her house. She gave them your address and from the look of things, they are on their way to your house to arrest David” she revealed.

My heart pounded in my chest as Ugochi’s words sunk in. In a daze, I dropped my phone. David, who had been listening intently, immediately stepped forward, picking the phone and hanging up. “What’s wrong?” he asked, concern written all over his face as he noticed the distress in my eyes. I turned to face him, my hands trembling.

“The police,” I stammered, struggling to find the words. “They’re on their way here… for you.”

Find out what happens next in episode 41 #checkwithdoctoro

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