Dangerous Disguise – Episode 19

“David, I’ve held back for far too long. I want more than friendship with you.” My voice trembled slightly, but I continued, “I’ve let fear from my past experiences hold me back all this time, but after what happened last night, I’ve realised I can’t let fear dictate my life and decisions anymore.” I explained.

David’s eyes widened in surprise, his expression a mix of emotions. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

“I care about you deeply,” I confessed, my voice growing stronger with conviction. “And I don’t want to be uncertain anymore. I want to explore what we could have together, without any reservations.”

The room seemed to hold its breath as we locked eyes, the tension between us palpable. My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for David’s response, my vulnerability laid bare before him.

David gazed at me, his eyes searching mine as if trying to discern the truth in my words. The seconds ticked by, each one stretching into an eternity, and I held my breath, my heart racing with anticipation.

Finally, he spoke, his voice soft and filled with a depth of emotion that sent shivers down my spine. “Chioma, I’ve wanted this too, more than I can put into words.” He reached out and gently cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing against my skin. “But I didn’t want to rush you or push you into something you weren’t ready for.”
His words washed over me like a soothing balm, and I couldn’t help but lean into his touch. “David, I’m done letting fear control my life,” I whispered, my eyes never leaving his. “I want to see where this can go, together.”

A slow, genuine smile spread across his face, and it was like a sunrise breaking through the darkness. “Chioma, you’ve just made me the happiest man in the world.”

We sealed our newfound understanding with a sweet, lingering kiss, a promise of what was to come.

Our official dating status marked the beginning of a beautiful journey for David and me. Each day seemed to deepen our connection, and I marvelled at how sweet and caring he was. He showered me with affection and respect, and I couldn’t help but fall more deeply in love with him with every passing day.

READ ALSO : Dangerous Disguise – Episode 18

David made an effort to learn about my interests and hobbies, and he encouraged me to pursue my passions. He was the kind of partner who would surprise me with my favourite book, plan cozy movie nights, or cook my favourite meals just to see me smile.

Our love story was like a melody that played in perfect harmony. I often found myself wondering how I had been lucky enough to find someone like David, who not only cherished me but also inspired me to become a better version of myself.

One aspect of David’s life that I had come to accept was his frequent business travels. He was dedicated to his businesses and his line of business required him to be on the move often. On average, he embarked on local trips at least once a month, sometimes more. With the way he travelled so frequently, it was a miracle he didn’t get Traveller’s diarrhoea. I’m just kidding though, travelling frequently does not necessarily predispose you to Travellers’ diarrhoea. Just in case you were wondering, Traveller’s diarrhoea is an illness that is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection in some cases. It causes loose stools and abdominal cramps. It is very common among international travellers, especially those who visit places where the sanitary practices are different from home. It is more common in hot and humid climates where bacteria breed more easily like Africa and the middle east. Travellers’ diarrhoea usually goes away on its own without treatment, however, if you have travellers’ diarrhoea, it’s important to stay hydrated. There are also medications that can help to stop the diarrhoea. Sometimes, antibiotics may be necessary. You can prevent travellers’ diarrhoea by avoiding purchasing food from street vendors, washing fruits properly before eating, avoiding undercooked meat, washing hands properly before eating.

I admired David’s work ethic and the passion he poured into his endeavours, even though it meant occasional moments of longing for his presence when he was away. My parents had long returned from visiting my brother in the USA, but I chose to stay back in the house officers’ quarters instead of moving back home as I wanted the freedom to spend time with David without their prying eyes.

One Saturday morning, after David left for one of his trips,  I found myself alone in his spacious bedroom. He had left in a hurry that morning, leaving me behind to lock up his house and promising to call once he landed safely. With a stretch and a yawn, I decided to tidy up a bit before leaving.

As I smoothed out the crumpled sheets, my hand brushed against something hard beneath the mattress. Curious to find out what it was, I lifted the corner of the mattress to reveal something very strange and puzzling at the same time.

My mind raced with possibilities as I considered whether I should respect his privacy or confront him about it.

Find out what happens next tomorrow in episode 20 #checkwithdoctoro

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