Big brother decided to twist the game a bit by the reintroduction of housemate’s nomination of whom they wish to see leave on Sunday.
Lucy nominated……. Nengi and TrickyTee
Kiddwaya nominated…. Lucy and TrikyTeeÂ
Dorathy nominated….. Vee and LayconÂ
Laycon nominated……..TrikyTee and LucyÂ
Vee nominated ………. TrikyTee and DorathyÂ
Nengi nominated ……… Lucy and Laycon
TrickyTee nominated….. Lucy and Laycon
Ozo nominated…… Kiddwaya and Lucy
Prince nominated….. Nengi and Ozo
Neo nominated………. Kiddwaya and Lucy
Erica nominated …….. Vee and Laycon
After the whole housemate’s nominations…
TrickyTee, Laycon, Nengi, Kiddwaya, Vee and Lucy..… Were all put up for possible eviction on Sunday.
………… See you later………i am not very happy 😊
Everybody wants tricky tee out….wat is happening
Yet they pretend to be his friend