Onitsha Catholic Archdiocese celebrates Mass with Onitsha fire victims, donates Millions (pictures)

  Tears still flow as families and friends of Onitsha fire victims still remember that ill fated event that had fire raze down the entire “Ochanja Market”. Read about it HERE… However, fortune has been smiling their way as some individuals and corporate organizations have been making donations to the victims. Meanwhile, the Catholic Archdiocese of

Funny video of the day

Today’s funny video of the day is indeed very funny in many aspects which we would analyze below……… Check out.. https://twitter.com/IamFemiBright/status/1195648313430872069?s=19   I literally laughed for days after seeing this video….. 😂 Unfortunately, the seriousness in the lady’s face could show you how much work they must have put into this. First, she had to

Funny Video of the day (video)

Welcome to today’s funny video of the day where we serve you some hilarious videos to make you laugh 😂   Watch video below…..   This is an evidence of the privileges of low center of Gravity….. Haahahahahhaaaa 😂…. This dude is surely very creative….   Watch another below….   Definitely, he can’t come and