Ahead of the most anticipated #AnambraElection, most people have chosen to rather sit inside than move around.
This notable situation in Anambra state on the eve of the election is obviously for a diverse reason for many.
Jkcyno news earlier reported that heavy security presence were seen around Awka capital territory whilst few shops were seen opened for business.
From our further findings, we realized that most Petrol stations were locked up and the entire roads seem so free with mostly Shuttle buses on transit.
However, Nkpor and Onitsha environs seem to have taken their personal Lockdown to heart as no one seems to be coming out.
No violence or shootings have been heard or recorded so far as most persons are confused on either to go out or stay put indoors. However, by tomorrow, we would know the scores either for ndị Anambra or against Ndi Anambra because every action has its repercussion.

More details later…