Dangerous Disguise – Episode 14

As I stood there, grappling with my conflicting emotions and uncertain of what to do next, David took a step forward. His eyes were earnest, and there was a sense of vulnerability in his expression that caught me off guard.

“Chioma,” he began, his voice soft and filled with remorse, “I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have left the way I did. I should have stayed to protect you.”

I bit my lip, feeling a mixture of relief and wariness. I had expected confrontation, but here was David, taking responsibility for his actions.

“I…” he continued, his voice faltering slightly, “I admit that my emotions got the best of me. But then, I started thinking about everything, about what you said in the voice note, and considering what I’d witnessed in the past, your explanation about Rowland, it… it makes sense.”

I blinked in surprise, not expecting this turn in the conversation. David was acknowledging the possibility that I might be telling the truth about Rowland. It was a stark contrast to his previous scepticism.

A rush of gratitude washed over me, and I nodded in acknowledgment. “Thank you,” was all I managed to say.

David sighed, his shoulders relaxing a bit. “I shouldn’t have doubted you like that. I’m sorry.”

His apology was genuine, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes. “Can I come in?” David asked, his gaze never leaving mine.

I hesitated for a moment, still grappling with my inner turmoil. But ultimately, I nodded, stepping aside to let him in. After all, he had apologised and he knew nothing about my encounter with the mystery lady,I had no excuse not to let him in, at least not yet.

As David settled into the chair, I couldn’t help but notice that the tension in the room had eased considerably since his arrival. I cleared my throat, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety.

“Would you like some juice?” I asked, feeling the need to offer some form of hospitality.

He smiled appreciatively but shook his head. “No, thanks, Chioma. I’m trying to stay off sugar these days. My last blood sugar test showed that I have an impaired fasting blood glucose, so I’m being cautious.”

Impaired fasting glucose means blood sugar levels are higher than normal but lower than the threshold to be diagnosed with diabetes. Doctors usually refer to patients with these kinds of results as being pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetes means your blood sugar is higher than normal but not high enough to be considered as diabetes. It can be a sign that a person is at risk of diabetes. People with Pre-diabetes usually have no symptoms, it is usually detected on routine blood tests. People who don’t do enough physical activity, are overweight, or have a family history of diabetes are at a higher risk for developing pre-diabetes.
Pre-diabetes can affect both adults and children alike. It can be managed or prevented by losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight, eating less carbohydrates and sugar, reducing food portion sizes and being more physically active.

READ ALSO : Dangerous Disguise – Episode 13

I nodded, taking a mental note of his health concern. “That sounds challenging. I can’t imagine having to give up sugar entirely.” I replied

David chuckled, his eyes warm as they met mine. “It’s not easy, but I suppose it’s a necessary adjustment. Health comes first, right?”

I smiled in agreement, appreciating his commitment to taking care of himself. “Absolutely. It’s important to prioritise your well-being.” I replied.

David and I continued our conversation, the atmosphere remained comfortable, and it felt like we were rediscovering the easy rapport we’d once had. We shared stories and laughed at old jokes, and for a while, the uncertainty of recent events faded into the background.

However, that sense of normalcy was shattered when David’s phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the screen and hesitated to answer his phone but the caller seemed persistent, so he finally decided to answer. “I have to take this,” he said looking at his phone and looking back at me, “I’ll be right back,” he added, stepping out to receive the phone call. I watched as he stepped out of the room. I was curious about who had called him and why he needed privacy to receive the phone call.

As I waited, my thoughts began to wander. Who could be calling David at a time like this? I couldn’t help but wonder if it was the mystery woman who had approached me at Doreenda Cafe. My stomach churned with anxiety as I entertained the possibility.

Minutes ticked by, and I couldn’t hear the content of David’s conversation, but his hushed voice outside the room only fueled my suspicions. My mind began to race, conjuring scenarios of secret relationships and hidden truths.

When David finally returned to the room, I couldn’t hide the suspicion in my eyes. I took a deep breath, my voice steady but laced with tension. “David, I need to ask you something.”

He looked at me, his brows furrowing slightly. “Sure, Chioma. What’s on your mind?”

I hesitated for a moment, gathering my thoughts. “I met a woman at the cafe,” I began, “she warned me to leave you alone.” I added

“Woman? What woman?” David asked, looking puzzled. I described the mystery woman with as much detail as I could and narrated how I had received messages from her asking for a meeting at Doreenda café.

I reached for my phone, unlocking it to reveal the series of messages she had sent me. I held the phone out to David pointing at the phone number that had sent me the messages “That’s her number. Do you know who she is?” I asked

He took the phone, his eyes scanning the messages. A bewildered expression crossed his face, and he seemed to be searching for an explanation. “Chioma, I…” he began, trying to find the right words to say.

I pressed further, my heart pounding in my chest. “David, do you know her?” I questioned holding my breath as I waited to hear his response.

Find out what happens next tomorrow in episode 15 #checkwithdoctoro

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