Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 26

I called Charly to get the full story when we got home and she told me that she had found
out from a reliable source that Moyo probably wanted their son now because his wife had
lost her baby and it didn’t just end there… She had also had her womb removed. I was
curious to know what could have led them to removing her womb and then I figured out from
Charly’s description that Moyo’s wife probably had a condition called placenta accreta. This
is a condition that occurs when the placenta grows too deeply into the walls of the womb.
Usually after child birth, the placenta should separate from the womb, but in this condition,
the placenta remains firmly attached to the womb and can lead to serious blood loss after
delivery. In cases where the condition is severe, it may be necessary to remove the womb.

If you remember, Moyo was the guy Charly was dating before she reunited with Ken and he
was the one who left her to marry his secretary who was pregnant with his child and didn’t
have the courtesy to tell her till Yemi stumbled on his wedding invitation.
I guess fate was finally catching up with them, now that his wife could no longer give him a
child he suddenly remembered he had a son.
Charly vowed that she would not let him come anywhere close to her son. She was planning
to get a restraining order stopping him from coming near her or their son and I was solidly
behind her.
I could already tell the custody battle would end up in court. Poor Charly! I didn’t envy her at
Yemi was equally very angry about the whole situation and she was gradually beginning to
detest men—any fool could see that from the way she talked and I was getting seriously
worried for her. We still hadn’t heard from Bayo but she had stopped getting threatening text
messages from his sugar mummy which was a relief.
The next morning, Yemi was running late for work as she had a flat tyre, so I offered to drop her off.


READ ALSO :Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 25


I decided to take a less busy route to her office since she was already late and there was
always a lot of traffic on her usual route. We had only been driving for about 20 minutes
when I noticed the same black car from the day before following us again. My mind had
been so occupied that I hadn’t bothered to check if we were being followed when we left the
house, but I immediately alerted Yemi. “Look! The black car is behind us again!” I said, trying
to get her attention.
“Not again!” she exclaimed, “what are we going to do?”.
“I don’t know,” I said, starting to get worried.
“I don’t feel safe here, this area is isolated,” she replied looking around. I couldn’t help but
admit she was right, the road was bumpy with many potholes and there were more bushes
than buildings surrounding us. It seemed like I had set a potential trap for us in the process
of trying to avoid traffic, without even knowing it.
It was impossible to speed without having an accident because the road was really bad but I
tried my best to go faster. The stalker also increased his speed when he realised we were
moving faster.
After a while, I reached a huge pothole and had to slow down, it was at this point a man got
down from the passenger seat of the car behind us and started to run towards our car. I
hadn’t even noticed there was anyone else in the car besides the driver before now. In the
blink of an eye, he was standing in front of the car. I could almost feel my heart bursting out
of my chest and I was trying to figure out my next move but my brain was running on low
battery; I couldn’t think straight and it didn’t surprise me because when I find myself in
life-threatening situations, my brain usually shuts down.
I thought of accelerating the car and running into him but my conscience wouldn’t let me so I
started to hit the horn for him to get out of the way. Instead he moved closer and walked over
to Yemi’s side of the car. By this time I was almost peeing in my pants. From my rear view
mirror, I could see that the car behind us was still following closely. I was in a state of total
confusion not knowing what to do.
“Get us out of here!” Yemi screamed, slapping my face. The slap helped to reboot my brain
because immediately, I slammed my legs on the accelerator and started to speed along the
bumpy road. The man brought out a gun from his pocket and shot at one of my back tyres
causing it to burst. The car skidded along the bumpy road for some minutes then came to a
complete halt—luckily we didn’t crash into anything, we only skidded into the bushes. He

continued running towards us and caught up with the car and by this time Yemi and I were
hysterical. I had already started saying my last prayers when he reached the car and broke
the glass on Yemi’s side forcing the door open. He didn’t waste time in dragging Yemi out of
the car and carrying her on his shoulder like a little kid; Yemi was very petite so carrying her
was not such a huge task. “Please don’t kill my friend!” I begged.
“One more word from you and I’ll zip your mouth with this gun,” he threatened pointing his
gun at me. I immediately became deaf and dumb.
“Hand me your phone,” he shouted. My hands were trembling, I couldn’t even keep still
enough to take my phone out, so I handed him my whole bag. He took it with him as he
walked away carrying a struggling Yemi towards their car. I watched him throw her into the
boot, lock it and drive off. I couldn’t believe what had just happened, it was almost as if I had
been watching a movie—had Yemi really just been kidnapped or was I dreaming? Why
would anyone want to kidnap her and why was I spared? Who could possibly be behind it?
My brain had shut down again, I couldn’t think of any possible answers to all the questions
running through my mind…

Find out what Happens Next…

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2 Replies to “Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 26”

  1. Can I receive Old enough yet unmarried from the no 1episode to the last, please. Blessings always Amen

    1. Do you mind sending ur WhatsApp number or search for the Story on the search section…

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