Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 7

I waited till they were gone then headed back to the cocktail party to join the others. By then Bayo was already back at the party. He was standing with Yemi and the girls and Abdul and Jumai had also joined them. There was a stand-up comedian on stage cracking jokes to
entertain the audience. They seemed to be enjoying his jokes because they were all laughing hysterically. I felt like punching the “bugs bunny” teeth out of Bayo’s mouth—how dare he laugh after what he had just done? I walked up to them with an awkward smile on
my face pretending nothing had happened. I had made up my mind to tell Yemi what I had seen much later—now wasn’t the best time to tell her anything, it would just destroy the happy atmosphere.

I noticed there was a handsome stranger in our midst standing with Oby. He seemed to have familiarised himself with the rest of the gang. They were all so engrossed in the stand-up comedy that they didn’t notice when I arrived. I tapped Oby from behind, giving her the “who is he?” look. She caught on immediately and began the introductions, “I’d like you to meet
my friend Dr. Tess,” she said pointing at me. “Tess meet Chuks,” she said, turning back to face him.
“How do you do?” he said, stretching his hands forward to give me a handshake.
“How do you do?” I replied, shaking his hands.
“Chuks is currently working on a project here in Ghana. He works as a fashion and lifestyle editor for Green News,” Oby said.
“Wow! That is so cool, your job must be so much fun,” I said, turning to face him.
“It definitely is and quite challenging too, I need to always be at my best because everyone wants my job,” he replied with a giggle.
“I can imagine,” I nodded. “Did you two just meet or you knew each other before now?” I asked curiously.
“We just met,” Chuks replied. “I spotted her from a distance looking so beautiful, I had to talk to her,” he added with a huge grin. From the corner of my eye I could see Oby blush and I really couldn’t blame her.
Chuks was tall, chocolate complexioned and handsome and he seemed easy going and fun to be around. I had already nicknamed him “hot chocolate” in my mind. I must admit he was a good catch, at least he was a much better catch than that pot-bellied old man that was
harassing me earlier. My thoughts were interrupted by an announcement coming from the stage. “Ladies and Gentlemen as part of our Valentine’s special, one of our guests would like to give a special performance,” the MC announced. Immediately after, Bayo walked up the
stage and he was handed the microphone.
“What?” I exclaimed with my mouth wide open. “What is he doing?” I asked, nudging Oby without taking my eyes off the stage.

” I’m as clueless as you are,” she replied with her eyes fixed on the stage as well. Yemi just stood there laughing as he took the microphone, I guess she was used to his madness already.
The soundtrack to John Legend’s “all of me” started playing and Bayo started singing along. I looked at him in disgust although I must admit his voice was nice. I just couldn’t get over what I had seen earlier. I don’t know how he does it but he always has his way with the
ladies—they all screamed as he sang, and it was obvious he was enjoying the attention.
I turned to Oby to see her reaction. That was when I noticed her gaze was fixed, she seemed to be staring into space. I was starting to get worried that she was having a seizure again and then she turned to face me and laughed, the silly girl she always did that to prank

READ ALSO : Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 6

I’ll let you in on the joke: everyone is familiar with seeing people who have epileptic seizures jerk uncontrollably like Oby did earlier today but did you know that there are other types of seizures? A person can have something known as an absence seizure where they just stare into space or start to make little movements like blinking or chewing for a few seconds. During this period the person is usually unaware of his surroundings and doesn’t respond when you try to get their attention; he may even be having a conversation and
suddenly stop talking in the middle of a sentence. Immediately after the seizure the person goes back to normal and is not even aware that anything happened. This type of seizure is easy to miss because they can be mistaken for daydreaming. It is more common in children but can happen in adults as well. Anytime I find Oby staring into space I tend to assume she may be having that type of seizure and she has made it a habit to fool me with it many times.
The story doesn’t end there—some epileptics can have another type of seizure that causes their muscles to become stiff and they may fall to the ground suddenly.

This type is called a ‘tonic seizure’ and its opposite is the ‘atonic seizure’ that causes them to lose control of their
muscles and may also cause them to suddenly fall to the ground. Don’t be surprised if you notice any of these signs in an epileptic person, and do everything you can to help and support them.
Just as the song was coming to an end, Bayo came off the stage and walked into the audience while he sang; he reappeared seconds later dragging Yemi along with him. I was still trying to figure out what sort of useless stunt he was pulling when 3 ladies appeared behind him on the stage. They wore white t-shirts with words printed on them in
bold red letters and black jeans. The first lady who walked up the stage had the word WILL written on her t-shirt, the second one had YOU written on hers while the last wore MARRY
Yemi screamed and attempted to run off the stage, she’s such a drama queen. She almost ruined the performance but luckily for Bayo he was able to pull her back. One of the girls handed him a ring box and he took the ring out, said some long story that I couldn’t be bothered to remember and asked her to marry him. Of course she said yes, almost
immediately. Some amazingly colourful fireworks began and everyone cheered and clapped
for them. As the girls walked off the stage, I recognised one of them… the one wearing the “marry me?” T-shirt was the one I had seen leaving the hotel room earlier with Bayo; she was even the one who handed the ring over to him during the proposal. Wow! Some girls
can be so wicked! Apparently she knew he was about to propose to his girlfriend and still went ahead and slept with him. I was totally speechless. All I could think of was how Yemi was making a big mistake saying yes to him. I don’t think I’d be a good friend if I keep quiet
about it—I needed to let her know before it was too late.
Everyone came round to congratulate Yemi and Bayo while the party continued. I just forced a fake smile as I hugged both of them.

After the party we all went back to our rooms; everyone was tired, happy and excited…
except me of course. I was sad, my heart was heavy and I didn’t know what to do.
The next morning Yemi woke us up with knocks at our door. She was still basking in the euphoria of being newly engaged, you know the feeling you get when you wake up the next morning and realise the ring is still on your finger and your proposal was not a dream as
usual? That’s exactly how Yemi felt. I’d never seen her that happy since I’d known her and I couldn’t bear to break her heart by telling her anything, so I kept quiet and watched as she
jumped on the bed, waking the other two sleepyheads.
A few minutes later we were having fun talking about the previous night. Oby and Charly were arguing over who would be maid of honour when Charly’s phone rang. It was an unknown number calling; she excused herself and went to the balcony to receive the call. A
few seconds later we heard her making threats and shouting abusive words at the caller, then she stormed into the room and flung her phone at the bed, missing Yemi’s head by just a few inches as she dug her head under the blanket to dodge the phone.
“That was close!” Oby said with hands on her chest as she heaved a sigh of relief.
“You can say that again,” Yemi said, lifting her head up. “I wonder what I did to deserve that,”
she said with a snicker.
“What’s wrong?” I asked turning to face Charly.
“That idiot just called,” she replied after a long hiss.
“What idiot?” we all chorused, wondering who had stepped on her toes again.
“There’s only one idiot getting married today,” she replied sarcastically.
“Moyo?” Oby asked.
“Yes Moyo,” she replied, with tears in her eyes then.
Moyo? That was the last name I expected to hear, the whole reason for going on this trip in the first place was for Charly to forget about him and his wedding taking place today after he dumped her and their 2 -year-old son for his secretary and didn’t even have the courtesy to
tell her till we stumbled on his wedding invitation. Why was he calling? What could he possibly want from her now?

Find ourt what happens next in episode 8  #checkwithdoctoro

– Written by Dr O

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