KISS ME GOODBYE – Episode 33 (Semi-Final)

“Are you ok?” Gbenga asked rushing to meet Sugar who sat, looking horrified staring at her phone that she had dropped on the floor, she opened her mouth to respond but couldn’t, instead, she just sat pointing at her phone, “what’s the matter?” He asked, looking confused, as he picked her phone from the floor to check what she was pointing at. ‘Nigerian Body Packer dies attempting to escape the police while on hospital admission in New York’ the headline read with a headshot of Michael and photos of the accident scene. “This is really sad” Gbenga replied, “these are the people constantly giving our country a bad name” he added. “It’s really sad that he died, but that shouldn’t bother you this much, we see headlines from the USA like this frequently” Gbenga explained trying to calm Sugar down, “this is different” Sugar replied, with tears rolling down her eyes, “This is someone I know” she added,

“how do you mean?” Gbenga asked, “he’s my ex, the one I told you about” Sugar explained as Gbenga nodded in realisation, “I see” he said, “karma sure fought that one for you” he added, “I guess I need to take note never to break your heart if I don’t want to end up like him” he joked, “not funny” Sugar mumbled, “I didn’t know you were dating a drug peddler though” he added, “I had no idea myself” Sugar replied shaking her head, “this news is really shocking” she continued, “I’m just feeling bad about the way I treated him the last time we saw, if I knew he was going to die soon, maybe I would have been a little nicer”  she sobbed, “hey! You did nothing wrong. As a matter of fact compared to how he treated you, you were very nice to him, trust me. The fact that you’re not rejoicing over his de@th shows you’re a good person” he added, trying to reassure her as she slowly wiped her tears.

Gloria had been suffering from panic attacks ever since she was picked up by the US immigration and Customs Enforcement. Panic attacks are intense feelings of fear that are sudden, they usually cause physical symptoms like chest pain, sweating, breathing fast, increased heart rate or the feeling that your heart is racing and usually happen in response to regular or harmless situations.
They happen suddenly and can last up to 10 minutes. The causes of panic attacks are unknown and they have no specific triggers, however, they can be triggered by phobia-related triggers in people that have phobias. Panic attacks can be treated by psychotherapy and certain medication.


She had flashed back to her journey before getting to the USA and how she had veered off on the wrong path. She was actually from a relatively comfortable home where her parents provided all her basic needs but she was never contented with what she had, she always wanted more, she longed for the glitz and glam of life and that was how she found herself being recruited to join a gang of girls who dated different married men and politicians for money.
She spent most of her final days in University attending wild parties and orgies with her promiscuous friends, she never actually graduated from University, as a matter of fact the degree she had was purchased by one of her sugar daddies who paid handsomely for it. Her mother had tried so hard to discourage her to stop her indecent lifestyle but it was to no avail, the more “easy money” she received, the more she wanted more.

Her thirst for ill-gotten wealth became insatiable and she no longer saw the need to work hard for money when her body could easily fetch her all she wanted. She had planned that she would use her body to get as much as she could, and when she started to get old, she would adopt a child so she wouldn’t have to die lonely. This mentality and lifestyle of hers was what followed her to USA and eventually landed her into trouble with Jason when she had offered her body and got more than what she had bargained for, and now she was facing charges for attempting to fraudulently obtain a USA green card using a sham marriage to a US citizen. She had thought of bribing some of the policemen with her body to let her escape but knew better than to do that as she was not willing to risk getting any additional charges.

Eventually, she was sentenced to five years imprisonment with an option of paying a fine of $250,000. “Where on earth am I going to get such an amount of money?” She had thought feeling very hopeless when the sentence was made, she had done everything possible to get help from Efua and her Aunt but none of them responded when she reached out to them. She was left alone to face her fate with no family or Sugar daddy to run to, not only was she going to go to prison because there was no way she could afford to pay the fine, but she would also be deported back home when she was done serving her prison term.
Her mother’s constant warnings began ringing in her ears as she was escorted out of the court and into the police vehicle, “everyday is for the thief and one day is for the owner of the house” she could hear her mother’s warnings haunting her from the great beyond, “Mama was right,” she whispered to herself as tears rolled slowly down her cheeks as she she entered the police vehicle, “I wish I had listened to her…”

Find out what happens tomorrow in the final episode #checkwithdoctoro

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2 Replies to “KISS ME GOODBYE – Episode 33 (Semi-Final)”

  1. If wishes were horses….., that’s Gloria’s situation at the moment. Reason she would have taken her mother’s advice

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