#PEPTLiveUpdates :Labour Party Fire on with More witnesses & Evidence (part 2)

Court: Document titled “Alleged plot to abandon online transmission of polling unit results of IREV portal” are ADMITTED and marked ECK2

LP (PIN): That will be all for this witness Court: The witness is stood down till tomorrow by 2pm for cross examination

LP(PIN): I will hand back over to my leader, Dr. Livy.

LP: (Dr. Livy): I will hand over to Ikechukwu Ezechukwu (SAN) to handle the next proceedings

LP (Ikechukwu SAN): We will call another witness My Lords. (Witness steps up and swear with Bible)

LP: Can you please tell the court your name

W: I am Onoja Loko Sunday

LP: What do you do for a living

W: I am a staff of women child rescue initiative. A non-profit organisation.

LP: You came here on a subpoena

W: That is correct

LP: Do you have it with you?

W: Yes My Lord

LP: Can I have it?

W: Yes My Lord

LP: We seek to tender the subpoena in evidence

1st Res: No objection my Lord

2nd & 3rd (Olanipekun SAN): Emmanuel Ukala SAN will take charge of proceedings

2nd & 3rd (Ukala SAN): We have no objection.

4th: No objection

Onoja Loko Sunday, next witness (PW9) from Human Child Rescue Initiative will be presented by Ikechukwu Ezechukwu SAN!l


READ ALSO : #PEPTLiveUpdates : Labour Party Present IT expert as Witness (Part 1).


Onoja Loko Sunday, next witness (PW9) from Human Child Rescue Initiative will be presented by Ikechukwu Ezechukwu SAN!

Court: Admitted and Marked PCL

LP: You attested to a witness statement W: Yes

LP: If you see it will you recognize it?

W: Yes

LP: How will you recognize it?

W: My name and signature

LP: Do you want the court to adopt this witness statement?

W: Yes

1st Res: We object and will reasons are address stage

2nd & 3rd: We object based on the same grounds which we have objected to similar applications of subpoenaed witnesses

4th: We also object for similar reasons as before which will also express in writing at the address stage.

Lp: In paragraph 2 you mentioned in your witness statement your identification card as an observer of the 2023 Presidential elections. Do you have it?

W: Yes LP: We seek to tender the identification card.

No objection from Respondents

Court: marked PCM1 LP: May we apply that the witness be permitted to substitute the exhibit with the photocopy thereof.

Court: Let them handle that.

Lp: That will be all.

Court: Cross examinations 1st Respondent:

1st Res: The ID you submitted was not accredited from INEC correct?

W: Correct

1st Res: You did not play any role as an election official did you?

W: No. purely an observer

1st Res: From your observation, the voting and counting went well?

W: Yes My Lord

1st Res: In Para. 7 you made reference to form EC8A and it was duly signed by the party agents and presiding officer?

W: Correct

1st Res: Your party won the election in that polling unit right?

W: I don’t work for any party

1st Res: Your candidate? W: I don’t have any 1st Res: You did not handle any BVAS machine in that polling unit?

W: No 1st Res: From your observation, the polling unit official went away with the form EC8A that had been signed by the party agents and Presiding officer right?

W: Yes 1st Res: That will be all

2nd & 3rd Respondents Cross examination (Ukala SAN)

2nd & 3rd: Take a look at the Subpoena you came to court with, Exh PCL. Kindly confirm that it was not addressed to women and Child initiative but it was addressed to you?

W: Yes

2nd & 3rd: Not only was it addressed to you personally but it was addressed to you with your direct village address?

W: Yes

2nd & 3rd: From your observation at the polling unit you can confirm that voting went on smoothly and results were announced there?

W: Yes 2nd & 3rd: You can also confirm that the electoral officers complied with the electoral act from your observation?

W: Yes 2nd & 3rd: At the end, the results went to the collation agent?

W: It was not uploaded. 2nd & 3rd: (repeats question)

W: Does it have to go to the collation center before it is uploaded (court laughs) Court: (Repeats question)

W: Yes that’s what they told us

2nd & 3rd: Will you be surprised to see it was uploaded on IREV platform?

W: I won’t be surprised. 2nd & 3rd: That’s all.

4th Respondent cross examination

4th: My Lord the witness is a gentle man, I have no questions for him. (Court laughs) Court: Any re-examination?

Lp: None my Lord Court: You are discharged LP: May we call our next witness.

The witness is now in the court and has walked to the witness box The witness has now been sworn in Justice Adah and Justice Tsammani are seriously talking with each other to their ears. ‘This their amebo, I want to hear it oh ’.

LP: What is your name

Witness: Kefas

LP: Witness what do you do

Witness: I am a civil servant

LP: You came here on subpeona

Witness: Yes

LP: Do you have it with you

Witness: Yes

LP: We wish to tender the subpoena my lord All respondents did not object to the subpoena oh, wow hallelujah

The witness has been asked to confirm his witness statement and he has confirmed All the respondents have objected to the witness adopting the statement. The witness has adopted his statement to the court. INEC’s lawyer Mahmoud is now up

INEC: As an INEC ad-hoc staff you were properly trained

Witness: Yes

INEC: And you acted according to the training

Witness: Yes

INEC: How many units did you supervise Witness: I and Mustapha Suleiman supervised 24 units in my ward.

Tinubu and Shettima lawyer is now up Q: Did the subpeona get to you or to INEC

Witness: To me Sir

Q: So Labour Party sent it to you directly because they know you’re a supporter. Witness: I’m not Partisan Sue, I am not in any party. I am an adhoc Staff of INEC and the supervisor during election

Q: Who won in Adamawa

Witness: It was PDP Sir

Q: In the 24 PU you observed you can confirm that the staff all conducted properly

Witness: Yes my lord

Q: Accreditation was done accordingly using BVAS

Witness: Yes

Q: Collation of form EC8A took place in the ward

Witness: Yes my lord

Q: Would you be surprised that the results for the 24 polling unit you supervised is on IREV

Witness: The one for HOR went through but

Q: That’s not it. We are talking about Presidential

Witness: We tried it many times but it didn’t go through.

Q: Will you be surprised

Witness: Yes I will but it didn’t go through that day.

Q: That would be all APC’s lawyer is now up.


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