Another ®rgy Birthday party occurs in Awka (videos)

Awka in Anambra state is gradually turning into ALLEN AVENUE OF IKEJA recently as another ®rgy party videos appear on the social media space.

Another ®rgy birthday party was witnessed in Awka last week in a private residence in Ngozika Estate,in Awka, Anambra state. It was such a novel event for most people in Awka, the more reason it’s garnering so much fuss at the moment.


READ ALSO : Unizik issues a disclaimer against Obnoxious news linking the institution.


They certainly don’t expect such to erupt from Awka. The party even had a flier for for it.

Jkcyno news earlier reported of  a Hotel In Awka that organized a P®.rn pool party (video).

The activity raised a lot of dust and gathered a lot of critique nationwide as many called for the sanction of the hotel.

Finally, Anambra State Government Sealed some section of Wintess Garden Hotels Over the $€x Party.

The birthday ®rgy party videos would be sent to you on demand.



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