Finding Happiness – Final Episode

Tekena was hunched over his laptop,
trying to put finishing touches to a project
meant for a client when Dare came into
the office. All smiles, whistling and feeling
good with himself.”Guy, how far with the

“Done, just adding finishing touches here
and there.”
Dare had done most of the work. He was a
great partner, he’d carried most of the
workload the past two years Tekena had
been away without any complaints.
“How was your date with my sister?” He
asked with a sheepish smile wondering
how the two got along. Tonye could be
such a pain in the ass.

“Wonderful. Your sister is so funny.”
Tikky raised a brow “My sister?”
“Yeah.” Dare replied “I’m surprised you
two don’t get along. She’s so lively and
really mischievous.”
“She’s annoying most of the time, that’s
why.” Tekena replied.
“Not to me. According to her you are the
annoying one.”
Tikky laughed, “are you going to take her
word over mine? I’m your business
partner, she’s your girlfriend.”
“Yeah, she’s my girlfriend, that’s why I’ll
take her word over yours any day.”

Tekena chuckled, they were just playing
around. He knew his friend trusted him
with his life and vise versa, that was why
they could run a business
together.”Whatever, you’re so whipped!”
“Says the guy who leaves his girlfriend in
the bedroom and goes to gist with a chick
that doesn’t even know he exists. Talk
about being extra whipped”
” I should never have told you that.”
Tekena said regretfully, he didn’t want to
remember what had happened that night.
GG still wasn’t talking to him.
“How’s Angie by the way?”

Tekena shook his head. Things were not
good there. “She’s still mega pissed,
avoiding me, when I ask to see her, she
brings up the exams excuse. I don’t know
what to do anymore.”
“Maybe she needs more time.”
“yeah, I just feel so bad, you know?”
“You should, what you did was really
….”he searched for the right word
“strange, But take it easy on yourself sha,
you’re only human, we make mistakes but
we learn from them. You have learnt,
haven’t you?”

“Dare, you know how much I’ve always
liked Deifa, I still do. So much, especially
now that we’ve been talking quite better
these days. I’m not planning on asking her
on a date or anything but then I’m not
sure its fair to Angela. I’m with her but I
have feelings for another.”
“Do you like Angela?”
“I do but then what I feel for Deifa is on
another level.”
“Okay, but she doesn’t feel the same for
you while Angie on the other hand is crazy
about you. So who do you think should be
your obvious choice?”
“She’s no longer that crazy about me, I can
tell you.”

“She’s just still angry.”
“I’ve been trying to get her less angry
since but she won’t budge. She doesn’t
want to see me.”
“Well if Angela doesn’t want to go to the
mountain, then I guess the mountain
should go to her.” Dare reasoned.
“Tried that, she told me point blank at her
door that she was busy on her project and
sent me off.”
Dare laughed. “tough chick.”
“She’s mad, you know what they say about
a woman scorned.” Tikky said
“yeah, trust me, I’ve seen it. You don’t
want to scorn Tonye, ever!”
Tikky smiled “women! “

“Yeah, but she likes you, she really does,
she’s been your friend for a long time now
and if you think hard, you’ll find a way to
get through to her. That girl is mad about
“Yeah, we’ve been friends for a ….”
Tekena sat up remembering something “
we promised each other that….” He
suddenly had an idea that could very well
He turned on his friend. “Dare!”
“What?” Dare asked bewildered
“You’re a genius. If you weren’t a guy I
would have kissed you on the lips.”
“What did I do?”
“Gave me a brilliant idea.” He brought out
his phone and dialled a friend’s number.
“Hi LeiLei, I need your help.”


We have to end this story here due to technical Reasons… I hope you did enjoy the ones you did read?….. Another banger drops tomorrow….. It promises to be more interesting….. Thanks for reading . 



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