Finding Happiness – Episode 13

Sh-it’ he’d totally forgotten what he’d
come for.
“Hi” Deifa greeted her looking from her to
him and back.
“Hi” she replied back while fixing him with
a pointed glare that showed she was mad
as hell. “TK what’s taking you so long”
“I’m sorry, I got caught up.” He apologised
looking guilty as hell, he’d left his
girlfriend alone, half aroused and had
come down here to gist!
Heads were going to roll, his would be

She turned and left. He hurriedly pulled
off the mitts and dropped them next to the
trays. “Sorry, gotta go.”
“Sure.” She replied and he thought he saw
a hint of a smile playing on her lips but he
didn’t have the time to confirm. Quickly,
he grabbed the champagne bottle and
glasses before running after his girlfriend.
When he got into the room, she’d already
turned on the tv.
“GG….” He pleaded.
“Save it, TK!” She gave him the hand.
“I’m sorry!” He made to pull her into his
arms but she resisted.
“Don’t!” She told him.
“GG, I’m so sorry.”
“You left me TK! You just left me alone to
go and do what? Bake cookies with Deifa?”
She frowned “ Come to think of it, when
did you and her become such great pals?”
Tikky felt like a scolded child who’d been
caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He
was even tempted to look down at his feet
instead of looking her directly in the face
but he didn’t do anything wrong except for
leaving her alone for a while upstairs.
Sh-it, that was really wrong.
“We started talking this afternoon, just
before I came to pick you…..” He began
explaining when she cut him off.
“When you were running late to pick me
up, you had time to gist with her?”
“We didn’t gist, just a few words, that was
all, I’m serious!” He defended. He’d not
really spent that much time talking to

“TK? I know the rest of us pale when
compared to your step sister’s beauty but
I’m still your girlfriend, you left me here
and went to bake?” She frowned again
wonderingly “who does that?”
He had totally forgotten about her while
he’d been down there with Deifa”I’m
sorry, please.” He begged again.
“I wonder if I’m wasting my time with
you.” She said, more to herself than to
“How? GG, don’t say that. I agreed to this
relationship too, didn’t I? And I must say,
it’s been so much fun, more fun than I’d
“Are you sure? I’m not forcing myself on
you?” She wanted to know.
“Angela, the last thing I want you to feel is
insecurity. I’m with you a hundred
percent.” He reassured her.
“I hope so because I don’t understand how
any red blooded male would leave a
willing female all alone to go and bake!”
“GG, I’m sorry, I told you already.” He said
cringing at her words “I’m really really

“It’s quite baffling sha,” she said with a
“Now do we continue from where we left
off?” he dared to hope.
“The mood has died. Honestly, I just want
to sleep.” She told him, lying down.
Tekena felt really bad. “How bout we just
cuddle, drink champagne and watch tv?”
“Okay” she replied with a shrug of her
shoulders still really pissed he could see.
He would have to make it up to her


Read Also : Finding Happiness – Episode 12


Deifa was enjoying a cool drink at a joint
in town, calming her nerves after a trying
afternoon and patiently waiting for Lisa to
turn up.
Knowing Lisa she might have met some
cute guy and forgotten about their
meeting. She would have called for Lara
but that one had a boyfriend to cater to, so
she was alone at the moment, staring
intently at the game on her ipad, acting
like she wasn’t noticing the stares she was

She just prayed that none of them
would approach her, she really wasn’t in
the mood for small talk at the moment.
Her afternoon had been tasking, meeting
for Lunch with the last of the guys on the
list, it had not been fun at all. The guy had
been a total brat, but he was a brat with
money, so she’d had to fake smile all
through lunch and then fan his ego to
make him happy. She took another sip of
her Chapman drink, taking a break from
temple run 2, the game she was intently

Lisa finally appeared, swinging her hips
for everyone to appreciate as she walked
down to her table. She had a huge smile
on her face and Deifa was betting she’d
met another guy.
“ Heya” She greeted taking the other seat.
“ Heya, yourself.” Deifa told her back “
You look bubbly.” Lisa’s eyes were bright “
have you found some other poor schmuck
to fall in love with and then give high
hopes for five minutes before moving on?”
Lisa made a face at her “Hater!”

Deifa raised a brow, she’d guessed right.
“I’m a sucker for love, what can I say?”
Lisa told her “and yes, I did find a guy,
more like he found me, and he’s not a
schmuck and neither is he poor.”
“And how about my step brother whom
you were all over some weeks back? You’ve
fallen out of love with him?”
“ I still like him but it seems he’s into
someone else so I’ll just leave him alone.
As for this new guy, he’s really something
too, not bad at all.”
“Heard it all before, Lisa!” Deifa rolled her
“ Well…it won’t kill you to hear it again,
would it? Would you like to know how we
“Nope, but I have a feeling you’ll tell me
anyway.” Deifa muttered to herself and
Lisa went on as if not hearing her.
“I dented his car a bit on the side while
driving down.”

Deifa groaned, Lisa was such a bad driver
but she never agreed.
“ But it was totally his fault!” she added
“I’m sure it was.” Deifa said sarcastic.
“What are you drinking, abeg?” She tried
to get her friend to change the subject by
calling a waiter.
“ It totally was ,Didi. Anyway, the point is
that we met and he’s now a prospective
boyfriend material.”
“I’m so happy for you.” Deifa told her
before turning to the waiter, she knew her
friends favourite drink “An extra smooth
Guinness for my friend here.”
“Didi….this one that you’re acting like such
a sour puss, what’s the problem?” Lisa

Deifa groaned and began spilling, glad that
her friend had asked. “I had such a
horrible lunch with that Maro Agha guy, it
was just horrible Lisa! I thank goodness
he’s the last of those ‘stuck-up, fool of
themselves, spoilt rotten, think they can
have any thing in the world just by
pointing at it’ ass wipes! “
Lisa burst into laughter “That bad, huh?”
“Worse, I had to smile through it all even
though I was cringing inside!”
“ Did he hit on you, or what?”
“ Yeah, why do they do that? Why do they
hit on a girl any chance they get? Are you
not supposed to see if the chic is feeling
you first? Besides, everywhere I go I’ve
been getting these stares and I don’t get
why. Its creepy.”
“Well, word on the street is that you’re
back on the market since Osaze is out of
the picture, so I guess it’s hunting season
for the guys.” Lisa supplied.
“How does word get out on the street for
crying out loud?”

Lisa shrugged, “People talk, you know. And
that your stupid ex boyfriend has been
spewing trash since…. Anyway let’s
notbtalk about him now. Please continue
with what happened at lunch.”
Deifa groaned again, she’d heard of the
lies Osas had been saying before……

Hang on for the Next Episode ….

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