The Darkest side of love – Episode 3

Illustrative image: pixabay



She called Uche.
“Why would you take what is happening in this house to my mother without telling me first? What is wrong with you? Am I wicked to you that you can’t confide in me? Tell me and I will sort it out.
“Auntie, it is not like that. I didn’t know how to tell you that is why I called Mama and told her.”
“Tell me what? Just say it. You can tell me anything.”
“Auntie, oga and his sister, I don’t understand them. They spend the whole day in her room. The sister comes out wearing just bra and pant to cook and then take the food to her room. They lock themselves inside there. I have never seen anything like this before.”
“What else?”
“That is all?”
Jacinta had a big laugh. “Is that what you told Mother? Both of you are funny. They are very close and see each other’s nudity. I did that with my brothers; there is nothing strange about it.” Then she thought a bit, “why were they locking the door? Maybe she thought they did.”
She mentioned it to her husband.
“Uche finds your relationship with Mercy strange. She said both of you are always in Mercy’s room and lock the door. That Mercy comes to cook in pant and bra and then takes it to her room. I tried to explain to her that it was normal. The problem is that she mentioned it to mother first before telling me. I would have told her there is nothing to worry about.”
“Now do you understand why I didn’t want a help? A harmless situation has been blown out of proportion. Why would she tell your mother?”
“It was not blown out of proportion. You misunderstood everything. She is a bush girl; she doesn’t know better. She told mother because she brought her.”
“I don’t believe that. Your mother brought her here as a spy. I don’t want a maid from your mother. Please send her away. She has made baseless accusations.”
“But I didn’t expect you to be this angry about this. She didn’t understand that siblings can be this close. By the way, why were both of you locking the door?”
“Are you saying she is telling the truth and I am lying? I told you we did not lock the door. Believe what you want to believe. Your mother is also a problem; she should have managed the situation better.”
“You are taking this thing too far. Why would you drag my mother into this? Please keep her out of it.”
“You have to choose between our family, your mother and her spy Uche. I give you till tomorrow evening to tell me your decision.”
“Why are you acting this way? Why are you asking me to choose?”
“The choice is yours. By tomorrow evening you would decide if you want to stay here with us or go back to your parents with Uche.”
That night, he moved out of the room and slept in the sitting room. This was their first major fight and it got to her. The next morning, she asked Uche to pack her things and took her back to her mother. She paid her three months’ salary in advance because she couldn’t see what the poor girl did wrong. Her mother was angry at her decision.

Read Also : The Darkest side of love – Episode 2

“Why did you bring Uche back? You are blinded by love and you are not thinking straight. How can a brother and sister stay together in a room from morning till you return locked up in a room naked? I am telling you will regret this action.”
“Mum, please stay away from this issue. Why did you bring Uche to my house? To spy on us? If you say that is not true then you should have cautioned Uche when she told you about it. Instead, you made her gossip to me. I want my family. For the first time, Roy and I quarrelled. I don’t want that. Please stay away from me.”
She stormed out and turned her back on her family. She had all she needed at home; a loving husband and doting sister in law. They took care of the baby while she was away. It was perfect.
Roy was one in a million. He provided for the family. They went on holidays abroad (she had never entered an aeroplane in her life before she met him), he bought her clothes, shoes, bags and toiletries from abroad. She looked like a million dollars and she felt like one.
In church, everyone envied her. Her husband was by her side while her sister in law would carry the baby for her. She had no complaints. He was a good-looking guy, had money and was great in bed. He worked from home. He was also an introvert; he hardly goes out unless in her company or his sister’s. His phones were never passworded. She had access to all his social media accounts and emails. Girls threw themselves at him but he had no interest. She saw her husband as a saint who was only interested in his family and no one else. Whenever anyone tried to visit and stay for a couple of days, he refuses.
He said he didn’t want anyone from both sides of the family interfering with their lives. They could visit and go same day but no longer than that. He believed in them having their privacy. Now she understood why. She couldn’t give all this up because a small bush girl was suspicious.
Mercy was still single. Jacinta didn’t notice any guy around her. She decided to introduce her to guys who she felt would be good for her. She organized some dates for her but she noticed the reluctance on her part.
“Mercy, why don’t you want to date? Do you want to be lonely forever?”
“I am not lonely Jacinta, I have you and Roy. I can never be lonely when I have both of you.” She said meekly.
“Yeah. But you need a man to call your own. He will love you and protect you. He will take good care of you. You will have a family together. You are too beautiful Mercy to be hiding away here.”
“I don’t know if Roy will like it? He was my support when my last relationship ended. He made me promise I won’t date again. If he hears this, he will be upset.”
“Why should he be? I will talk to him. He can’t stand in your way of happiness.”
credit  : OgeStories
original name: I Love Her

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6 Replies to “The Darkest side of love – Episode 3”

  1. I am just wondering if the girl is really his sister or he is having an intimate affair with his sister… Please next episode ooo

    1. Kindly click on any Episode……. Scroll to the middle and click on the previous episode…. Keep clicking back until you revert to episode 3

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