Why They Prefer to Meet with Your Traditional Rulers than Talk to You

The Kings And Lord Lugard’s Indirect Rule.

In colonial era, after Lord Lugard had tried to break into the African traditional societies to get them to do his biddings and failed because they were strongly knitted by customs, traditions and cultures, he’d reach out to the Kings in those societies, in places that have no kings, he reached out to an influential chief. Promised them mirror, lamps, spoons, cameras and as time went on money, as bride to get the kings and chiefs to sabotage their people’s will and do the white man’s biddings. The Kings and Influential chiefs go down to their communities share little from what was given or promised them with other chiefs and members of cabinet of chiefs who were in charge of making decisions on behalf of the people.

The people eventually get sabotaged, with their will brushed off for Lugard’s. This was the role of ur kings and chiefs in colonial times.

Anyone who is in touch with this history, would not be surprised that Tulumbu is having a meeting with the kings in the country. The aims is to buy their minds and get their people not to protest. But it is up to the people to listen to the sellouts they call “kabiesi”.

These kings work hand in hand with the government- who pays them anyway.


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In many parts of southern Nigeria where you see Fulani herders r*pe, k*ll and destroy crops unfettered, it is because the Alhajis who own the cows has sneaked into the King’s palace at night with ghana-must-go bags of money. This is why the kings go on to get in the way of the people when they are about to go on vengeance mission and deal with these Fulani herders once and for all.

Your royal fathers never changed. They are your biggest saboteurs who betray you for their personal gains. Your reverence for them is a shame on ur education.

I believe that for a total revolution to happen in Nigeria, everyone must go to their village and pummel those kings who betray common good. This is only when we can see total change from ground up.

Learn or repeat the circle of docility as your forefathers.

-Written by Pen 🖊️ Drops.


When the price of fuel rose from 300 to #750, YOUR KINGS WERE QUIET.
When Fulani herders k!lled your people in Agbor YOUR DEIN PARTICULARLY WAS QUIET.
When rice went from 35k to 90k, YOUR KINGS WERE QUIET.
When garri went from 1.5k to #.6k, YOUR KINGS WERE QUIET.

Now their subjects want to protest the hardship, your Dein and all the other buba wearing Kings say they should not protest so that theu don’t turn the coin to Lybia.

In all these, has Your president found it needful to speak to you directly? 

Nooo… He doesn’t think it’s necessary when your kings, Imams and Priests can dissuade you to fight for your freedom… 


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