The JUDICIARY WILL BURN NIGERIA by MissPearls – Final Part

Final Part..

-With the pronouncements of the Judges, even if angels come down to their tribunals as petitioners, they will never be able to prove their case as the bar has been taken beyond the moon.

None of those justices, if they came to the bar, is capable of meeting the analogue standard they have set which involves inviting all your polling unit agents to lead evidence. An anomaly the 2022 electoral act sought to correct with the BVAS and BVAS report.

– It becomes apparent that we have a justice system based on hoops, cracks, crevices, lacunas, hurdles and what not saddled with Justices with credibility deficit and that getting justice for a petitioner not of the ruling party is more difficult than getting a camel to pass through a needles eye.

– It becomes even more blatant with judicial mispronouncements turning law on its head and inputing attributes our constitution never provisioned just to miscarry justice as was seen in the Enugu judgement.
– Or applying a different set of rules to confer advantage to their preferred parties as was seen in Kano judgement.

– Rumours of hundreds of thousand of dollars, tens of millions of dollars flying around – confirmed by Justice Azinge at the Kano election petition tribunal is worrisome.

– The judiciary is acting like a derivative of the executive rather than being independent, and citizens now know that they cannot rely on the court system for significant redress or remedy, especially against the state.

– In our court system, rules of court are prioritized over and above the laws of the land, fairness and equity which is the hallmark of Justice

– When Justice systems fail, “Rule of Law” does not exist and law as an autopoietic systems does not work.

When justice systems fail, laws and lawyers become instruments of injustice and oppression rather than swords and shields fighting for justice and equality.

When justice systems fail, laws and lawyers are degraded to the status of fig leaves, hiding the nakedness of the rulers. They become the tools that keep bad people in power and put good people in jail.




When justice systems fail, the very elements of the justice system become obstacles to justice. Instead of being the cure, laws and lawyers become part of the disease. The consequences of the failure of justice systems are dire.

– On the macroeconomic level, the failure of the justice system works like a massive tax on free enterprise and encourages inefficiency and corruption in the public sector.

– On the macroeconomic level, unprecedented levels of inequality endanger fledgling democratic institutions. Political and economic instability and If the people cannot get justice from the courts, they will get justice elsewhere and would not rest until their sense of justice is fulfilled.

– The justice from the tribunals is Justice as “the interest of the stronger”. In the other words, might is right. For a while, every man acts for himself and tries to get what he can, the strongest is sure to get what he wants and as a state the Government is the strongest, it will try to get and it will get, whatever it wants for itself.
Thus the Nigerian justice means personal interest of the ruling group in any state where Laws are made by the ruling party in its own interest.

– TRUE JUSTICE implies superior character and intelligence while INJUSTICE means deficiency in both respects. Therefore, JUST men are superior in character and intelligence and are more effective in action. As injustice implies ignorance, stupidity and badness, It cannot be superior in character and intelligence.
– All manner of characters have been admitted to the bench and today it is more difficult to find an incorruptible Judge than it is to find a honest politician. The corrupt Justices have turned Nepotism and Parochialism into the order of the day.




Justice is to the soul as health is to the body. Plato says that justice is not mere strength, but it is a harmonious strength. Justice is not the right of the stronger but the effective harmony of the whole.

– Aristotle says justice consists in what is lawful and fair, with fairness involving equitable distributions and the correction of what is inequitable.

– Our forefathers believed Justice is spiritual, hence why they called down the wrath of Sango, Amadioha and the gods whenever injustice was perceived.

– Our courts are more concerned with ‘all eyes on the Judiciary’ campaign than doing the actual work which is DISPENSING  JUSTICE  that they are paid for

– The Justices have forgotten they are paid with taxpayers monies and are servants of the people and the Law not Lords set over the people.

– ‘Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable’ —JF Kennedy

If the Judiciary continues to push the system with ridiculous Judgements to a breaking point where it is set on fire, forcefully overhauled and reset, for the first time in the history of our dear country, a new system that rises from the ashes of the old may suspend the Judiciary. Justices and senior lawyers may find themselves sharing cells with criminals they charged and convicted.

It is with a heavy heart and a sense of sobriety and somberness that I point out the DANGER  of the path the Judiciary is treading. If they do not rein themselves in, in their obnoxiousness and condescension, in their obsession with the adoption of technicalities that line their pockets over and above substantive Justice, they will set this country on fire and shall burn along with it. Being learned will not insulate them. It is not too late to remedy the situation. A word is ENOUGH for the learned!

—Courtesy @MissPearls

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