#POinWashington : Peter Obi’s lecture Series in Washington, USA (images)

Peter Obi,the presidential candidate of Labour party is rounding up his International trip as he engages in a lecture Series in the Washington DC,USA🇺🇸.

Below are the excerpts from his speech..

I remain convinced of the invaluable and proactive and role Nigeria Diaspora can play in furtherance of good governance. Such a role is possible and desirable. -PO


Constitutional review is a process; it is not a one off event. Any review of the Constitution will entail legislative, executive and judicial actions. Ultimately the Nigerian people will decide. -PO


We will seek to reunite Nigeria through strict adherence to Constitutional provisions on equitable representation in Federal establishments of our national diversity, especially, women, youths and people with disability. -PO


We will have zero tolerance for corruption; block leakages and cut the cost of governance. Our total commitment to transparency and accountability in government business is the only credible way to achieve limited to zero corruption.-PO


We will aggressively pursue human capital development in the education and health sectors, within available resources; with a view to adopting pertinent global best practices in both sectors.-PO


We will proactively reassert Nigeria’s leadership role in African affairs through constructive engagement, using existing sub-regional and regional forums as well as bilateral platforms for dialogue on current and emerging challenges.-PO


We will rebuild Nigeria’s military power, promote economic growth, and enhance its technological prowess to improve Nigeria’s diplomatic influence in sub-regional, regional and global affairs via peacekeeping activities.-PO


Trade and Investment will remain core components of our African foreign policy. -PO


Africa will remain the centrepiece of our foreign policy. We will improve Nigeria’s diplomatic sphere of influence via peacekeeping, trade, and investment initiatives. -PO


We will pursue aggressively modalities for raising the national internet penetration and robust contribution of ICT to overall economic growth aid national development.- PO


Bolstering our power sector is imperative. We will lay special emphasis on critical infrastructure, especially Power, to ensure a clear measurable increase of 200% of today’s generation, transmission and distribution,

within the shortest possible time through public private partnership. -PO


We will tweak the security architecture, and incentivize professionalism by offering each arm or agency, lead in areas where they have comparative advantage. -PO


We will democratize our security architecture, via security sector and governance reforms; and proper civilian oversight that is not transactional. -PO


We will pursue intangible assets of good governance, rule of law, security of lives and properties; and lay added emphasis on patriotism, national interest, national morale, national character, political will and overall quality of government. -PO


Our vision and mission is to give full expression to our democracy by moving our country from consumption to production.-PO


With its huge Diaspora strength, the Nigerian Diaspora can help to mobilize efforts in the direction of private sector investment. Beyond your sheer financial power, your contributions also include ideas, creativity, and a diverse global network. -PO


I foresee a Diaspora role of infinite possibilities, if Nigeria Diaspora elects to harness and deploy their technology, expertise, industrial discipline and experience to Nigeria for national development and encourage their hosts and friends to invest in Nigeria. -PO

We will trigger every known technological and knowledge transfer initiator. Nigeria’s brain drain will be turned into brain gain. -PO


With $20 billion in remittances in 2021, Nigeria ranks 6th behind the top five recipient countries; namely; India Mexico, China, the Philippines, Egypt, and Bangladesh.

Expert assessments indicate that with proper policy and planning, we can leapfrog to about $60b in remittances annually. That will translate to about 14% of our total GDP.

In 2021 Nigeria’s foreign direct investment (FDI) was $4.8 billion. Therefore, I see Diaspora remittances as the new normal and becoming Nigeria’s Official Development Assistance (ODA); some kind of foreign loan-without interest. -PO


We have to ensure that by 2027 general elections, Nigeria Diaspora must have a voice to collectively express themselves via absentee ballots. -PO


Nigeria Diaspora family has the capacity to catapult Nigeria from good to great. – PO


It is our shared common value to build a democratic, just and egalitarian Nigeria that has brought us all together today. Membership, they say, has its privileges. Thus, Nigeria Diaspora has a continuing role and responsibility toward nation building and national development. -PO

Some of you are here in the United States by choice; but majority are stranded here, but not by choice. Our national circumstances have compelled your sojourn here. But I am certain of this: If your hearts were not in Nigeria, if you were not patriotic, you won’t be here today.PO

The primary responsibility of the citizens in governance is twofold: to elect their leaders and secondly, to hold such leaders accountable. -PO


Good governance simply translates to eight critical governance values and an unfettered commitment to upholding them. These are a leadership or government being: Accountable, Transparent, Responsive, Equitable and Inclusive,

Effective and Efficient, Follows the rule of law, participatory and consensus oriented. What they require, is a leadership imbued with competence, capacity, credibility and commitment. These are the 4 Cs,ad leadership values required to turn Nigeria around. -PO #POinWashingtonDC


Read Also : #Obidatti023 : Peter Obi makes solemn promise to young Nigerians(video)


I will define good governance as a theoretical concept; identify what role I think the Nigeria Diaspora can play, and finally, share my insights on what we intend to do when we come to power in May 2023. -PO


I will define good governance as a theoretical concept; identify what role I think the Nigeria Diaspora can play, and finally, share my insights on what we intend to do when we come to power in May 2023. -PO


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