Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 29

“Babe it’s me!” a familiar female voice said.
“Yemi?” I asked.
“Yes it’s me!” she replied.
“You’re still alive!” I screamed.
“Yes I am!” she replied.
“Do the kidnappers know you’re making this call?” I asked.
“No, I’m not with them anymore,” she replied.
“You escaped?” I asked, starting to get confused.
“No, I was rescued,” she replied.
“Oh! Thank God,” I said, heaving a sigh of relief. “How did it happen?” I asked. By this time,
Charly, who was still in the room with me and had been leaping for joy after she figured out
what had happened, made me put the phone on speaker so she could hear what Yemi was
She gave us all the details of her horrible experience at the hands of the kidnappers.
According to her, they took her to their hideout on the outskirts of town which was very much
different from the usual uncompleted or run-down buildings she was used to hearing about; it
was actually well furnished. She was left for almost 48 hours without any food or water, as a
matter of fact, when one of the two men who carried out the kidnapping eventually began to
pity her and offer her a drink of water, she was too scared to drink it for fear that it had been
You’ll never guess who she said was behind the kidnapping? It was Bayo’s sugar
mummy,Madam Precious. She strongly believed Yemi knew about Bayo’s whereabouts and
had ordered her to be kidnapped and tortured till she revealed Bayo’s location. Apparently,
the kidnappers had been stalking us long before we even realised and they had continued to
monitor our movements and strategically plan all their moves till they found the appropriate
time to strike.
Madam Precious had also visited the hideout where Yemi was being held against her will, to
further threaten her and get the information from her personally. The hideout was one of her
husband’s many properties that was currently not in use.

Yemi begged endlessly and denied knowing anything about Bayo’s whereabouts, but she
was not convinced. When she realised Yemi was not going to give her the information she
wanted, she ordered the kidnappers to kill her and left.
Right there in Yemi’s presence, they agreed between themselves that they were going to kill
her later that night.
Yemi begged them and tried to make them see reason with her but everything she said fell
on deaf ears.
I asked her why her phone was switched on when my call came in and she explained that
my call came in when the kidnappers were going through her phone looking for messages
and emails regarding her previous bank transactions to determine how much she had in her
bank account. When they were satisfied with the information they found, they forced her to
log into her online banking and start transferring money into accounts of their choice.
Fortunately for her, she had transaction limits set on her account and once the daily limit was
reached they couldn’t transfer any more money from her account.
While the phone was still switched on, the SSS, with the help of the mobile network
operators, were able to track the location the call was coming from and sent some of their
agents to survey the area and investigate. It was after that they found the kidnappers’
hideout and were able to strike.
She added that the kidnappers argued between themselves on how to kill her—one
suggested they shoot her dead before drowning her body in the lagoon while the other
disagreed because, in his opinion, gunshots would attract attention. He opted for tying her to
a large stone and drowning her alive. Since he was the boss, the other had no choice but to
agree with him in the end.

READ ALSO : Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 28

The SSS intercepted them just as they were walking to the nearby

lagoon with Yemi. When the two kidnappers realised that they were surrounded by 10 other
men, they had no other choice but to surrender. That was how Yemi was rescued.
An order was also placed by the director general of the SSS to find Bayo and Madam
Precious and arrest them, as at when Yemi narrated her ordeal, both had not been arrested.
“I’m just glad you’re okay, that’s all that matters,” I said when she was done talking.
I felt safe to return home since the kidnapping mystery had been solved and the kidnappers
arrested. Yemi and I returned home later that evening.
When we arrived at my place, I cooked up a storm to make Yemi feel at home—you’d think I
was cooking for my husband or in-laws if you saw the variety of delicious dishes I prepared
just for one person. I guess I was trying to make up for the starvation she had experienced
over the past 48 hours.
While we were having dinner Charly called. “Hey babe, what’s up?” I said.
“Can you imagine the nonsense?” she said fuming.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down,” I responded. “What is the problem?” I asked.
“I just came back from work and caught my sister trying to force herself on Ken!” she replied.
“Wait! What are you saying?” I asked.
“I just walked in on Osas half-naked and trying to force herself on Ken!” she replied.
“How are you so sure it wasn’t the other way round?” I asked.
“Because she was too busy trying to get into his pants that she didn’t realise when I got back
from work and stood watching her behave shamefully for a good 10 seconds before
interfering,” she responded. “I watched Ken literally push her away while she struggled to
kiss him,” she replied.
“Are you sure of what you’re saying?” I asked.
“Oh gosh! Your questions are annoying me!” she hissed. “I’m only talking to you because I’m
trying to stop myself from committing murder,” she added. I started getting worried about the

safety of her sister immediately I heard those words because believe me, Charly does not
make empty threats.
“Where is she now?” I asked.
“She has locked herself up in the room, but I’m here waiting for her to come out, the knife
has been sharpened already,” she said matter-of-factly.
I immediately realised this was more serious than I’d imagined. Was she really going to kill
her own sister because of a man? And why would the sister even be trying to go after her
older sister’s man when it’s not like he was the last man on earth? Women amaze me
sometimes, who knows? That might not even have been her first attempt. I tried to imagine
what I’d do if it happened to me, would I be able to forgive and still call her my sister? And
even if I did, would I ever trust her around my husband again? I could honestly understand
what Charly was going through but, most importantly, I needed to take her away from there
before she did something while she was still burning in anger which she’d later regret.
“Just hang on and try not to kill anyone, I’ll be on my way with Yemi,” I said, hanging up the

Find out what happens next…..

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