Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 24

“Keep talking!” Charly said, pinching Jumai. Obviously I wasn’t the only one that hated the
“Okay okay,” Jumai said, finally taking her hands off her face. “My prayers have finally been
answered.” I guess she figured we still didn’t get the hint because we all just continued to
stare at her. “I’M PREGNANT!” she screamed putting her hand on her tummy.
“Oh my gosh, congrats!” I screamed! “Finally!” I said.
We all rushed over to her side and took it in turns to hug her. I was so happy for her, after 5
trying years without a child she was finally having one. It was like a dream come true. She
called me later that night to thank me especially for the role I had played in making her
pregnancy a reality. Words can’t describe the joy I felt, the feeling is always a fulfilling one
when your patients come back with good news and thanks.
The night ended on a good note and I went to bed happy but I was still a bit worried about
Yemi, she was the only one that didn’t have much good news to share. Bayo’s
disappearance after their wedding was turning her into a sad and grumpy old woman.
The next day, I had to literally drag her to church; she had wanted to sit at home wallowing in
self-pity and I wasn’t having any of that. “Young woman get up and get ready for church!” I
said, pulling her up from the bed. “You’re not the first Facebook maga and you won’t be the
last,” I teased as she scowled at me. “Getting married to a gold digger is not the end of the
world, there are children in Somalia who have not eaten this morning,” I reminded her while
she kicked me playfully.
Oh! I just realised you wouldn’t understand the Facebook maga joke, let me explain: before
Yemi met Bayo she was a social network freak… She had been so bent on finding Mr Right
that when he didn’t appear in person she decided to search for him online. That was how
she found Bayo—on Facebook. I honestly can’t remember who made the first move, all I
know is that I was sceptical about the whole thing. I thought it was too good to be true,
besides, they were moving too fast in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing
against online dating, I know sometimes love is found in strange places but I think it should
be done with caution, because not everyone online is showing their “real face”, most of them
live fake lives like Bayo.
By the time Yemi was done getting ready, we were already 30 minutes late. I hate getting to
church late because I’m always a victim of overzealous ushers insisting I sit at the most
awkward position possible and for some reason ushers have the talent of picking the worst
seats for you to sit in the congregation. They didn’t fail to disappoint me as usual… When we
arrived they made Yemi and I sit beside this man who wouldn’t stop coughing. The worst part
was that he didn’t cover his mouth when he coughed. He was basically sharing bacterial
blessings around the church. Halfway through the service, Yemi got up, ignoring the usher,
and went to sit in a section far away from the man. I immediately knew why she did and as if
to confirm my suspicion, she sent a message saying “I had to save myself from catching

READ ALSO : Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 23

tuberculosis.” I chuckled to myself as I read the message; Yemi is such a clown—not
everyone who is coughing has tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is actually an infection caused by bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis,
yeah I know the name sounds weird but most bacteria have weird names like that. It typically
affects the lungs but can spread to other parts of the body like the brain and spine, causing
It can spread to an uninfected person when he inhales tiny droplets containing the bacterium
that is released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, although it usually
requires prolonged close contact with an infected person to contract it. I guess you can see
that there is no way on earth Yemi could’ve gotten it from the poor man even if he had it, she
was just being a drama queen. However, in her defence, the man should have covered his
mouth while coughing, instead of being generous with his bacteria.
“Don’t worry even if you get tuberculosis, I’ll give you some drugs to treat it. Besides, you’ve
had the vaccine so you’re protected. Stop moving around in church like a yo-yo and
concentrate on the service,” I joked in my reply to her message.
I enjoyed the service that day and so did Yemi, despite the tuberculosis episode. On our way
home from church I noticed a black Mercedes car had been following us but I assumed it
was my imagination. It kept appearing and disappearing from my rear view mirror, even after
10 minutes of driving and taking several turns. I became uncomfortable and decided to let
Yemi know, “Look at that black car behind us,” I said tapping Yemi,.
“Ehen? What about it?” she asked after turning back to look at the car. “Do you wanna buy a
new car?” she asked sarcastically.
“It’s been following us since we left church,” I said.
“In your dreams,” she said, rolling her eyes. “These kinds of cars don’t follow cartons like
yours around.”
“Babe be serious for once,” I scolded. “If you don’t believe me just watch and see what
happens.” I turned right, entering a side street and, sure enough, the car followed us all the
way to the end of the street although it stayed a considerable distance behind us.
“Wow! I think you’re right,” Yemi admitted. By this time, we were almost home. “I don’t think
it’s wise to go home now,” Yemi said. “Whoever is in that car is obviously stalking us!”
“You’re right” I replied, taking another turn and heading back to the highway, but why would
anyone be stalking us? What could they possibly want?…

Find out what happens Next…

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