Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 11

I’m sure you’re wondering what I have to say, is it true I’m dating a married man? The
answer is yes. Did I know he was married? The answer is no, I’m actually as shocked as you
I met Tolu about 6 months ago during a medical outreach. He’s a doctor as well, and he
seemed like a really nice guy but the funny thing was, I was never really interested at first.
Before the end of the outreach however, I found myself liking him. I’m not sure if it was his
charm or his way with words that had me falling for him, all I know is that by the end of the
program we were exchanging numbers.
I’d like to point out that I don’t remember seeing any wedding band on his finger, he didn’t
even wear as much as a fashion ring. We got talking on the phone for hours later that night. I
asked him if he was single and these were his exact words: “I’m single, searching and
seriously praying you’ll be my last bus stop.”
Of course I laughed at his sense of humour, and he had succeeded in making me blush from
the word “hello”. Just out of curiosity, I asked why he was still single and that was when he
confessed that he had been married once before for 6 years but had just recently gotten
divorced. He told me his wife left him and his 5-year-old daughter alone to be with her lover
who resided outside the country.
Foolish me! I believed him, I fell for all the lies… Well, I didn’t know they were lies until now. I
made up my mind to become a mother figure to the poor little girl who had been abandoned
by her mother. Every time I visited I would bring her gifts; of course she fell in love with me
although she seemed very fond of her mother—she always said nice things about her and
kept hinting that her mother travelled and would be coming back soon with lots of gifts for
her. All the while I kept feeling sorry for her because I assumed that was what she was told
since she was too young to understand what was going on.
In the short time after we met, Tolu actually became a huge part of my life. We did everything
together, even went on family outings with Dade. The funny thing was we were never really
official. I’d never met any of his friends or family except Dade and he hadn’t met mine either.
Actually he was my best kept secret and the only person I told about him was Yemi and that
was because she was my housemate and was around when he came visiting sometimes.

We shared intimate moments together—I can’t even count how many times we had
mind-blowing marathon sex, although this only happened when Dade was away of course,
or at my place. Once, I wanted to ask him to define the relationship but I didn’t want to come
off as desperate and I didn’t want to put pressure on him since he had just recently gotten
divorced and probably needed time to recover so I dismissed the idea. I made up my mind to
be there for him till he was ready to take things a step further.
Now I thought about all that had just happened in the supermarket. I was so confused, why
did he lie to me? How long was he planning to hide the truth from me? Did he ever even plan
to tell me?

READ ALSO : Old Enough Yet Unmarried – Episode 10

I got back home to my empty house with no food to eat. I was starving but after that
embarrassing incident I was just happy I made it home in one piece and, believe me, I didn’t
plan to leave the house till tomorrow morning—who knows? That crazy woman might be
waiting for me outside! If I hadn’t been on call the next day, I’d have called in sick and it
wouldn’t be a lie, I was truly sick but my sickness was just emotional.
About 2 hours later, there was a knock at my door. I wasn’t expecting any visitors so I was a
bit afraid it might be Tolu’s crazy wife. I tiptoed to the door and peeped through the hole to
see who it was, only to find out it was the idiot himself. How dare he have the confidence to
show up at my doorstep after everything?
“Why are you here?” I shouted without opening the door.
“Tess, please let me in. I can explain, Sharon told me what happened… it’s not what you
think,” he said.
“Say what you have to say from out there,” I shouted back.
“C’mon, you don’t want to air your dirty laundry in public do you? Please stop being childish
and let’s talk!”
On hearing that I hissed and walked away to go sit down, then he started banging on the
door really hard. I almost thought he was going to break it. “Stop it!” I shouted, “you’ll make
the neighbours come out!”
“Well it would be my pleasure to see them come out, maybe they’d be able to talk some
sense into your head,” he said, banging even louder.
He knew he was getting to me, I hated to create scenes and the last thing I wanted was my
neighbours all up in my business so I succumbed. I let him in and he locked the door behind
him. “What do you want from me? Go back home to your wife, you LIAR!” I screamed.
“I didn’t lie to you Tess,” he said, walking towards me and holding my shoulders from behind.
“I’ve divorced her, it’s just that she’s refusing to sign the divorce papers,” he said.
“You’re not making sense,” I replied. “You told me you were divorced and she abandoned
you and Dade for her lover overseas, why would she be refusing to sign papers if she has a
lover? How can you even say you’re divorced when papers haven’t been signed?”
“You have to believe me,” he said, starting to kiss my neck. “I’d never lie to you,” he said,
following the kisses down to my bosom.”
“Stop!” I said, trying to push him away, my voice said stop but my body was saying
otherwise—his kisses made me weak. I tried to gather the strength to resist him, but his lips
moved from my bosom down to the magic spot. He knew as well as I knew that it was the
point of no return, it was my weakness and he used it against me. He pulled my clothes off
and carried me to my room, the chemistry between us was perfect, I felt at home in his arms.
I let him have his way with me, all the while feeling guilty that I was enjoying what was meant
for another woman, but how was I so sure he wasn’t telling the truth? What if she was the
one who truly didn’t want to let him go? I brushed the guilt from my mind and responded to
his kisses with even more passionate ones… no point crying over spilt milk.

I knew I was putting myself in a deep mess but I didn’t know how to stop myself. The battle
lines had been drawn and he was going to have to choose either me or her. However, one
thing was for sure, I wasn’t letting him go without a fight.

Find out what happens next this evening in episode 13 #OEYU #Naija #cwdoseries #checkwithdoctoro

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