“Just Like Barrack Obama of the USA, Peter Obi might win the 2023 elections”, – Asim Adams (video)

#Obidatti Movement is gradually sinking and the wavelength is getting even closer to the shore of the opposition camps.

In a video interview granted by a non supporter of Peter Obi, Asim Adams, Esq, he affirmed that Peter Obi has become a dark horse which might sway the polls come 2023.

He was quoted as saying below,

“Peter Obi is like the Barack Obama of the United States of America. He has become a movement in NGR… If his supporters could transfer the energy used on creating awareness on social media to voting in the 2023 elections, the older politicians might not stand Obi -“.

He also mentioned that he might be voting for Peter Obi instead of his candidate which he never disclosed.

Watch the full mind bugging interview below..


#obidients, just like Jesus’ disciples, keep preaching the gospel of Liberation until they are all converted.. 


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