Inspiration Corner : Who To Avoid In Your Life

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Most times,  life challenges would be best explained using algebraic expressions… 

If numbers in Mathematics were given an opportunity to speak, I think some persons would accuse “zero” and “one” to be Evil . In fact, some “die by fire” churches would have started some cabashing by now.

Now see, any number that is multiplied by zero gives zero. Zero will bring down numbers to nothing.

There are some people in life who are like number zero, if you associate with them no matter how great your value is they will bring you down to zero.

How about one?

Any number multiplied by one remains unchanged no matter how big it is. There are some people in life that are like one, no matter how they touch your life you remain the same you don’t grow, you don’t improve you remain at the same level.

So here is the twist, what kind of person are you and whom do you associate with?

I pray that God separates us from everyone carrying the spirit of Zero (0) and One (1) and also helps us grow and be greater than 1 so that when we touch the lives of others, we will add value.

Good afternoon friends  and have a wonderful day…


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