The independent National Electoral commission (INEC) has released the breakdown of the budget for the forthcoming general elections in 2019.
See the humongous breakdown below.. Printing of ballot papers = 31.49bnLogistics = 7.4bnProcurement of Non-sensitive materials = 6.125bnFeeding of Policemen = 6bnCVR exercise = 5.1bnPrinting of result sheets = 4.36bnRAC preparation = 2.9bnElection day allowance = 2bnFuel expenses for solicitors =1.79bnPrinting publication of register = 1.6bnProduction of poll guidelines =972mProcurement of equipment = 840mSituation room = 730mVoter education =710mForeign observers = 700mMonitoring of parties, primaries =630mOutreach activities =587mDeployment of support staff 495mSupervision of reconnaissance = 286mCampaign finance tracking =160.7mAdvertisement = 149mInterface with groups = 125mSMS = 94mLogistics technical officers =55mPrinting of readers ballot papers =50mPer diem for police =1, 000Total = N 189.2bnSource :TVC news