Hundred Days Of A Mandate Thief – Miss Pearls


The people are crying, the land is dying
Just 100 days and the poor are suffocating

Those who used to scream ‘E CHOKE’ are lamenting
The mandate thief’s legislative acolytes feed fat on the Treasury

Laughing , taunting us with ‘let the Poor Breathe!’
While they send ‘prayers’ to each other’s banks

He removed subsidy in a manner similar to using a chainsaw to hack a Cow’s head
No roadmap, no strategy,
No phasing, no palliatives.
Just noise from his minions screaming for laxatives

As the new fuel price and hyper inflation choked their rectums
He allocated tens of billions for his co-conspirators in the legislature and judiciary.
And forgot about palliatives for his poor Jagaban’ s army
While  they struggle and scraped to survive on a stunted minimum wage

He floated our Foreign exchange
With no source of supply
Hyper inflation soon hit record highs
And his minions quieted down and murmured about his restrictions on their air supply

READ ALSO : There must be consequences for Today’s Judgement – Bishop Onah (video)

While the Nation reeled from the effects of his half baked policies
He declared a War on Niger on behalf of the imperialists

A simple background check would’ve told him the Nigerien were our Northern relatives
And he wouldn’t have had to chicken out at the last minute
or be embarrassed by the National Assembly

He appointed criminals to be Ministers and imprisoned the man who was in charge of the EFCC
The bushmeat became the hunter and the hunter became the hunted
He then promised to deal with FX scarcity
and claimed he had secured 3 Billion dollars liquidity
Only for the lenders to spurn him with acidity,
like last minute ‘amaka disappointing’ , they refused to give him shishi

He’s incompetent at being incompetent
The Mandate thief who is NOT my President has been a 100 days of accidents

Well, we look forward to our Clark Kent
Super P, Principal of the Obidients

He shall recover our  mandate
and our people shall once again Celebrate!


—Courtesy @MissPearls

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