#History : Biafra Civil War in Chronological Order With Major Diary of Events


Events Of Nigerian | Biafran Civil War In Chronological Order With Major Dairy Of Events;

1. Federal Republic of Nigeria elections. (December, 1964).

2. Regional elections. (October, 1965).

3. Post-election violence in Western Nigeria (1965/66)

4. The military takes over the Government: ( 15th January, 1966)

5. Anti-Ironsi demonstrations and killing of Igbos in the North. (April/May, 1966)

6. Overthrow of Ironsi’s regime and death of Ironsi (29th July, 1966)

7. Gowon seizes power, and in consultation with only Northern officers and politicians, forms government. Killings of Igbo officers continues unabated. (August, 1966)

8. Ojukwu offers to confer with Gowon to end bloodshed and asks for repatriation of troops to their regional origins to lower tension; says offer was refused by Gowon. (August, 1966)

9. Out of safety concerns, Ojukwu refuses to go to Lagos for meeting of the 4 regional military governors but is still hopeful of peace resolution. (August, 1966)

10. Mass exodus of over 300,000 Igbos from the North to the East resulting from flare up of many riots and Igbo killings. (August, 1966)

11. Ojukwu declares official day of mourning and Gowon condemns it.(August, 1966)

12. Gowon issues decree restoring the Federal system and abolishing the unitary Government. (August, 1966)

13. Regional representatives convene a conference to determine grounds for unity. Gowon opens conference with offer of 4 forms of government. (August, 1966)

14. Over 2,000 Igbos are massacred in Kano by a combination of Hausa mobs and troops of the fifth battalion in Kano. Further Igbo exodus. ( 29th September, 1966)

15. A DC-4 carrying weapons to Eastern Nigeria crashes in Cameroon and Henry A. Wharton, a German-American is arrested.(October, 1966)

16. Gowon suspends the constitutional conference. (November, 1966)

17. Eastern Region faced with resettlement of refugees. (December, 1966)

18. Gowon and 4 military Governors confer in Aburi, Ghana. Optimism expressed about the future. (4th|5th January, 1967)

19. Nigeria confirms the death of Ironsi; flags fly at half mast. (January, 1967)

20. Eastern region accuses federal government of failure to implement the Aburi accord and warns that the country is on the brink of political disintegration. (March, 1967)

21. Ojukwu warns that the East will secede if invaded or blockaded. Both sides mobilize civilians (May, 1967)

22. Awolowo announces that West/Lagos will secede if the East goes. (May, 1967)

23. Political situation deteriorates due to non-implementation of Aburi accord. Ojukwu expresses pessimism at a negotiated settlement. (May, 1967)

24. As impasse continues, Ojukwu seeks mandate from Eastern Assembly to Declare Biafra. (May, 1967)


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25. Gowon divides Nigeria into 12 states (27th May, 1967)

26. *Republic of Biafran is declared by Lieutenant Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu ( 30th May, 1967)*

27. Nigeria invades Biafra. (6th July, 1967)

28. The Mid-west operation and Biafra’s military setbacks. Losses of Nsukka and Enugu. The saboteur phenomenon (August, 1967)

29. Wale Soyinka is arrested and detained; Biafra looses the Mid-west. (August, 1967)

30. Two disastrous attempts by Nigerian troops to take Onitsha from Asaba. (October, 1967)

31. Ojukwu executes three military men and a civilian in Enugu. (October, 1967)

32. Soyinka is a confessed Biafran Agent, says Enahoro. (October, 1967)

33. Gowon accuses Portugal of aiding Biafra. (October, 1967)

34. Biafran plane shot down in Lagos. (October, 1967)

35. Biafra Accused of Hiring Mercenaries. (November, 1967)

36. Mrs. Soyinka Requests Hearing for Her Husband. (November, 1967)

37. Soyinks denies alleged Confession by Enahoro. (November, 1967)

38. OAU Mission Visits Nigeria seeking for peaceful resolution. (November, 1967)

39. Ghanaian Gen. Ankrah named OAU Emissary to Biafra. (November, 1967)

40. Nigeria suddenly, changes currency notes. (December, 1967)

41. Nigeria frees two jailed Americans. (January, 1968)

42. Gowon under pressure to end war. (January, 1968)


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43. Nigerian old bank notes arrives in Geneva. (January, 1968)

44. Ojukwu calls for cease-fire and negotiations. (January, 1968)

45. Manliness Tiger joins Biafran army (January, 1968)

46. Gowon sets 3-months deadline to defeat Biafra (January, 1968)

47. United States affirms its support for one Nigeria. (February, 1968)

48. Commonwealth secretary arrives in Lagos. (February, 1968)

49. Dr. Martin Luther King cancels Nigerian trip. (March, 1968)

50. Monsignor Rochcau reports on Midwest Genocide. (April, 1968)

51. Tanzania becomes the first country to recognize the Republic of Biafra as a sovereign State. (April, 1968)

52. Ojukwu takes one week retreat. (April, 1968)

53. New York times condemns Tanzania for its recognition of Biafra. (April, 1968)

54. Felix Houphouet-Boigny, former president of Ivory Coast praises Tanzania’s recognition of Biafra. (April, 1968)

55. Preliminary talks begin in London for both sides. (May, 1968)

56. Zambia recognizes Biafra. (May, 1968)

57. Peace talks begin in Kampala and fails. (May,1968)

58. Addis Ababa talks begin and fail.(July, 1968)

59. Political and diplomatic battles over acceptable relief routes to Biafra. Nigeria refuses direct daylight airlift of supplies to Biafra, and Biafra refuses relief passed through Nigeria. (July, 1968)

60. Britain accused Ojukwu of obstructing relief operations and of using famine to gain world sympathy.(July, 1968)

61. Belgium cancels all arms supplies to Nigeria following crash of Belgium airliner carrying arms to Lagos.(July, 1968)

62. Over Gowon’s objections, OAU consultative committee invites Ojukwu to Niamey to meet with them to discuss the crisis.(July, 1968)

63. Ojukwu goes to Niamey, meets OAU committee members and Hamani Diori. Meets with Biafran delegation under Eni Njoku before returning home. Gowon had left Niamey before Ojukwu’s arrival. (18th July, 1968


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64. Biafra rejects proposed relief route from Enugu to Awgu to Okigwe saying Biafrans will not eat food that passes through Nigerian hands for fear of poisoning. (July, 1968)

65. Speculations on Ojukwu and Gowon leading their respective delegations to upcoming Addis Ababa talks. Ojukwu, in interview, looks forward to decisive confrontation with Gowon.(July, 1968)

66. Pilots flying arms cargo to Biafra with Henry A. Wharton threatening to revolt unless a fee of $1,000 per trip in increase is made. (July, 1968)

67. France announced support for Biafra and calls for settlement of dispute on basis of self determination. (July, 1968)

68. Addis Ababa talk opens with Ojukwu present but not Gowon. Ojukwu delivers two hours and ten minutes address insisting that only sovereignty can guarantee security for Biafrans. Ojukwu leaves talk accompanied by two Gabonese officials whose presence Nigeria had protested. (August, 1968)

69. Activities of Biafra 4th Commando Division under Major R.Steiner and five other white officers. (August, 1968)

70. Noted Swedish pilot, Count Von Rosen flies food and medicine to Biafra through secret route immune from Nigerian anti-aircraft fire. (August, 1968)

71. Biafrans display 98 Nigerian troops that surrendered as a unit. (August, 1968)

72. Nigerian troops push for Aba, cross Imo River but encounter Biafran resistance at Akwete; Ojukwu announced that Nigerian thrust on Aba has been effectively checked, but sources say Ojukwu has moved his headquarters to Umuahia (August, 1968).

73. Gowon orders “final offensive”. (August, 1968)

74. Biafra faces imminent collapse in September/October 1968 as Nigerian forces take Aba, Owerri and Okigwe in rapid succession. Umuahia is the only sizeable town in Biafra’s hands. (September, 1968)

75. Charles de Gaulle in interview hints at possibility of recognizing Biafra and admits that France has been aiding Biafra. (September, 1968)

76. Nigerian troops threaten Umuahia but Biafrans are defiant.(September 1968)

77. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) suspends relief flights to Biafra because Uli Airport is badly damaged by Nigerian bombs and Nigerian forces are rapidly approaching Ohi- Uturu airstrip. (September, 1968)

78. Nigerian forces near Oguta bringing Uli Airport within artillery range. Ojukwu reportedly visits Biafran commanders at Oguta and gives them 24 hours to clear Nigerian forces from within artillery range of Uli airport.(September, 1968)

79. Nigeria announces capture of Owerri and march on to Umuahia. (September, 1968)

80. Zambia’s President Kenneth Kaunda announces that Biafra will be allowed to set up government in Exile in Zambia, if defeated.(September, 1968)

81. As Biafra loses Aba, Owerri, and Okigwe in rapid succession, Ojukwu asks China for help to counter what he called “Anglo-American imperialism and Soviet revisionism”. (September, 1968)

82. Otuocha market massacre by Nigerian war planes; over 500 killed. (September, 1968)

83. Canada rules Biafran postage stamps invalid.(October, 1968)

84. International observers team, sent to monitor conduct of Nigerian troops, clashes with Col. Benjamin Adekunle in Port Harcourt. (October, 1968)

85. Nigeria apologises for Col. Adekunle’s behaviour (October, 1968)

86. Biafra dismisses Col. Steiner and his mercenary group in charge of the Biafran 4th Commando Division. Action linked to friction between Steiner division and Biafran regular army units. (November, 1968)

87. Britain alters expectation of Nigerian total military victory over Biafra. Expects that Biafra, even if totally occupied, could prolong the stalemate by guerilla resistance. (December, 1968)

88. Biafran troops re-enter Owerri, with house to house combat reported. (December, 1968)

89. Gowon declares 2-day Christmas truce starting Dec. 21. Ojukwu agrees to 8-day truce starting Dec. 23rd. Gowon refuses extension of truce to one week. (December, 1968)

90. De Gaulle urges “recognition of right to self-determination for valiant Biafra” (January, 1969)

91. Mobil Oil Corporation sponsors visit of J.S. Tarka to United States to counter Pro-Biafran sentiments. (January, 1969)

92. In Enugu, the Nigerian Army executes 3 Igbos accused of attempting to assassinate Nigeria’s 1st Division Commander. Col.Mohammed Shuwa. (January, 1969)

93. Nigerian Government prepares for another final offensive. Nigerian Government spokesman says Biafra must be defeated by the end of February or growing international support will make Nigerian victory impossible. (February, 1969)

94. About 300 civilians (with eventual toll over 500) are killed by the Nigerian air force at Umuohiagu market. (February, 1969)

95. Ojukwu, in a speech to Biafra’s consultative assembly in Umuahia, says that Nigerian Government has began their “last desperate effort”, but bars any Biafran surrender. States “land army program” will increase agricultural effort. (February, 1969)

96. United States New York Senator, Goodell et al, arrive in Biafra. (February, 1969)

97. U.S. Congressional delegation headed by representative Diggs of Michigan arrive Biafra. (February, 1969)

98. Nigerian government reject peace formula proposed by Dr. Azikiwe (February, 1969)

99. Ojukwu expresses hope that De Gaulle, in his forthcoming meeting with Richard Nixon will convince Nixon to press for cease-fire in the war. Ojukwu in interview, discusses three ways in which the war may end. (February, 1969)

100. Nigerian warplane kills over 250 civilians in Ozu-abam market.
(February, 1969)

101. The United States, the Red Cross and others protest Nigerian’s bombing of civilian population in Biafra. (March, 1969)

102. British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson arrives Nigeria for state visit. Wilson invites Ojukwu to meet with him outside Biafra.
Warns Gowon that bombing of Biafran civilians is eroding the remnant of British support for the war. (29th March, 1969)

103. Ojukwu rejects Wilson’s invitation; calls invitation “political propaganda exercise”. (April, 1969)

104. Nigerian troops open another offensive, after six months. (April, 1969)

105. Several push-and-shove action between Nigerian and Biafran forces between Uzuakoli and Umuahia. (April, 1969)

106. OAU Committee opens another meeting to try and end the war. (April, 1969)

107. Medical camps for care of Biafran children are established in the Ivory Coast, run by doctors of New York’s Columbia Presbyterian
Hospital and Ivory Coast Red Cross. (April, 1969)

108. Biafra recaptures Owerri using its 14th Division under Col.Ogbugo Kalu. (April, 1969)

109. Col. Ogbugo Kalu and Biafran Information Commissioner,
Ifegwu Eke, address 6 foreign journalists in Owerri to counter Nigerian denial of its recapture (April, 1969)

110. Ojukwu is promoted to Major General and given new mandate to continue the war. (13th May,1969)

111. Colonels Adekunle and Haruna, commanders of Nigeria’s 3rd and 2nd Divisions respectively are relieved from their posts. (May, 1969)

112. Pius Okigbo, Biafra’s rep. to the U.S. urges U.S. to recognize Biafra. (May, 1969)

113. ICRC (Red Cross) Director, Dr. August Lindt and aides are detained for 16 hours by Nigeria with no charges. (May, 1969)

114. Youth, B. Mayrock, of Old Westbury, New York, sets himself on fire and dies in protest against Genocide in Biafra, a race he never met. (30th May, 1969)

115. Biafra marks 2nd anniversary of nationhood. Ojukwu, in address, says Biafran forces are ready to meet expected Nigerian offensive. (30th May, 1969)

116. Biafran forces raid Kwale, across the Niger, killing 11 oil
technicians (10 Italians and 1 Jordanian). Biafra captures 17 other oil workers (14 Italian and 3 W. Germans.) Biafra sentences them to
death. (June, 1969)

117. Pope writes letter to Ojukwu regarding lives of Oil men captures in the Mid-West. (June, 1969)

118. Wale Soyinka is reported seriously ill in Kaduna Prison, where he is incarcerated without trial. (June, 1969)

119. Nigeria shoots down a Swedish Red Cross Plane.(June, 1969)

120. Biafra frees captured Oil men.(June, 1969)

121. Nixon urges end of impasse on relief shipments. (June, 1969)

122. US Senator, Strum Thurmond, urges Nixon to rush relief food to Biafra with or without Nigerian permission. (July, 1969)

123. Pope visits Uganda and attempts to mediate peace between Nigeria and Biafra. (August ,1969)

124. Zik withdraws support for succession and urges Biafra to abandon war. (August, 1969)

125. Gabonese President, Albert Bongo, reports that Gowon requested
him to arrange meeting between him and Ojukwu; Nigeria denies making such a move. (September, 1969)

126. Wole Soyinka is freed. (October, 1969)

127. Canadian Prime Minister accuses Biafran authorities of being interested in receiving arms, not food and medical supplies. (November, 1969)

128. Nigerian forces open offensives on both Northern and Southern borders of Biafra, ending a seven month lull. (December, 1969)

129. Biafran delegates arrive at Addis Ababa for new peace talks but Nigerian delegates were absent. (December, 1969)

130. Ojukwu, in Christmas speech says that Biafra is faced with the toughest military test of the war. (December, 1969)

131. As war entered 30th month, Nigerian troops reported that they’ve cut Biafra into three parts.
(3rd January, 1970)

132. Massive Nigerian troops link up and pressure cause refugees to stream into Owerri as Biafra nears collapse.
(4th January,1970)

133. Ojukwu announces over radio Biafra that he is flying out of Biafra to explore possibilities for peace.
(11th January, 1970)

134. Nigerian forces reportedly recaptures Owerri and are moving on Uli Airport. Pandemonium and fright as millions of Biafran refugees clog roads in chaotic flight from advancing Nigerian troops and artillery fire.
(11th January, 1970)

135. Biafra appears near collapse as Nigeria confirms recapture of Owerri, and Uli airport is virtually destroyed by artillery fire. (11th January,1970)

136. Biafra capitulates, ending a 30-month war that cost an estimated two million lives on both sides. (11th January, 1970)

137. General Effiong, in a radio broadcast, orders Biafran troops to lay down their arms and says he is sending representatives to meet
with the Nigerian field commanders to negotiate armistice. (13th January,1970)

138. Gowon, in a broadcast, rejects all relief aid from countries or groups that aided Biafra. (14th January, 1970)

139. Nigerian Red Cross claims sole responsibility for distribution of relief.
(15th January, 1970)

140. Last Missionaries to Leave Biafra Describe the Beginning of the End.
(15th January,1970)

141. Biafrans Scramble to get on the Last Plane.
(15th January, 1970)

142. Gowon Re-instates Biafran Civil Servants and Prohibits the Word “Biafra”. (15th January, 1970)

143. Effiong makes formal surrender statement|declaration in a ceremony in Lagos. (16th January, 1970)

144. Ojukwu appeals to the world to help save Biafrans in a statement released for him in Geneva by Markpress.
(16th January, 1970)

145. Last observers to leave Biafra describe the beginning of the end.
( 16th January, 1970)

146. Nigeria expels 4 journalists for visiting the East without permission.
(17th January, 1970)

147. General Effiong reassures the Nigerian Government that the Biafran forces hiding in the bushes will not wage guerilla war. (18th January,1970)

148. Portugal offers asylum to all Biafran refugees and says it will maintain its facilities at Sao Tome for relief operation. (19th January, 1970)

149. Nigeria thanks USSR; Ambassador George T. Kurubo says Soviet aid to Nigeria was the most important factor in the defeat of Biafra.
(21st January, 1960)

150. Nigeria drops safe conduct passes to remote areas to persuade Biafran troops and civilians to come out from hiding places.
(21st January, 1970)

151. Obasanjo Detains 80 Journalists in Port Harcourt. (21st January, 1970)

152. Gowon, after stalling, increases money for relief distribution; first news conference since end of the war. (22nd January, 1970)

153. Gabon offers asylum to Biafran exiles.
(22nd January, 1970)

154. Nigeria grappling with troop brutality and indiscipline.
(23rd January, 1970)

155. Unabated food shortage in Biafra. (23rd January, 1970)

156. British team deplores indiscipline among Nigerian troops. (24th January, 1970)

157. Ojukwu is given asylum in the Ivory Coast. Ivory Coast
government says he will refrain from all political activities.
(24th January, 1970)

158. Reports of indiscipline, plundering and looting among
Nigeria’s 3rd Marine commando troops.
(24th January, 1970)

159. Nigerian government refuses to use Uli airport for relief, saying it is a symbol of rebellion. (26th January, 1970)

160. U.N. envoy calls Biafran relief distribution insufficient. (26th January, 1970)

161. Facing criticism, Nigerian red cross says it’s expanding relief operations. (27th January, 1970)

162. Nigeria arrests two C.B.S. newsmen.
(27th January, 1970)

163. Gowon says there will be no nuremburg-type trials for rebel leaders and he reiterates general amnesty.
(30th January, 1970)

164. New York Times columnist, A. Lewis describes chaotic conditions in Biafra. (1st February, 1970)

165. Nigeria establishes board of inquiry for Biafran officers. (6th February, 1970)

166. ICRC ends relief operations, citing Nigeria’s obstructionist tendencies.
(7th February, 1970)

167. Nigeria bans arms possession in 3 Eastern States. (13th February, 1970)

168. U Thant (fmr. secretary-general of the United Nations) defends his policies during and immediately after the
war. (18th February, 1970)

169. Igbos are beginning to return to their jobs in the North, West,
and Lagos.
(22nd February, 1970)

170. Gowon urged to abate anti-missionary hostility.
(7th March, 1970)


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171. Ojukwu to face high treason charges.
(14th March,1970)

172. Nigeria’s national rehabilitation commission takes over relief distribution from the Nigerian Red Cross. (15th March, 1970)

173. Nigerian Chief of Army Staff, Brigadier H.U. Katsina says Ojukwu will be tried on high treason if he returns. (15th March, 1970)

174. Maj. Gen. Effiong under arrest. (May, 1970 )

175. Flat payment of 20 pounds to all Igbos for their Biafran and pre-war participation against Nigerian for money deposited in Nigerian Banks, regardless of
amount what so ever owned. (5th June, 1970)

176. Nigeria to dismiss pro-Biafran employees.
(15th August, 1970)

177. Nigeria reconciles with Biafran friends.
(1st September, 1970)

178. Nigeria reconciles with Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Gabon and Zambia.
(2nd September, 1970)

179. Gowon defers civilian rule to 1976. States census and new constitution are prerequisites to civilian administration.
(2nd October,1970)

180. More than 5,000 Biafran children evacuated during the war return to Lagos.
(11th October, 1970).

Researched + edited May, 2024.

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