#HealthZone : 4 Stages of Prostrate Cancer, Remedies & Symptoms

All men are at risk for Prostate cancer.

Out of every 100 men, atleast 13 would get this disease.

It is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in men.

It also remains asymptomatic till the 3rd stage.

How can you identify and prevent this cancer?

The prostate is a small organ sitting just below the bladder, in front of the rectum.

It plays a key role in fertility by producing seminal fluid which mixes with semen during ejaculation.

Prostate cancer develops when abnormal cells form and grow leading to a tumor. 👇🏼



This cancer is grouped in 4 stages;

In stage 1, the cancer cells are barely distinguishable from normal cells.

They can only be seen through a microscope.

In stage 2, cancer cells are early but this time, they can be felt by rectal examination.

In stage 3, the cancer …

..spreads to nearby tissues and symptoms start to appear.

In the 4th stage, cancer spreads further to the lymph nodes, bones, liver or lungs.

This is called ‘advanced prostate cancer’.

What are the symptoms?

– Frequent need to pee
– Pain or burning during urination
– Weak urine flow
– Blood in the urine
– Painful ejaculation
– Pain in the lower pelvic zone
– Loss of appetite and weight
– Bone pain.

These symptoms are mostly seen in the 3rd stage of cancer.

How is it diagnosed?

Prostate cancer is diagnosed through;
• Blood tests
• Digital rectal examination
• Biopsy

In blood tests, a higher than normal PSA (prostate specific antigen) in the blood signals something is off.

But, cancer cannot be confirmed, until a rectal..

..examination is carried out.

PSA tests, together with rectal examinations are used to detect early stage cancer.

A biopsy is the most accurate test and it is done by taking a tissue sample to look for cancer cells.


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What are the risk factors? 👇🏼

All men are at risk for prostate cancer but the risk increases if;

– You’re older than 40
– Have a family history of cancer
– You’re black (African or Caribbean)
– You’re obese
– You eat a predominantly high fat diet
– You’re exposed to certain chemicals.

How is it treated?

Treatment is based on the stage and grade of cancer.

The grade of cancer shows how aggressive the cancer is.

A Gleason score shows the grade. A score of;

• 6 and below – Low risk cancer
• 7 – Mid level cancer
• 8 and above – High risk cancer.

Men with low risk cancers have a high survival rate.

The 2 main treatments are;
• Surgery
• Radiation therapy.

Due to side effects and depending on tumor growth, your doctor might..


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..suggest you go with other options like active surveillance or watchful waiting.

• Active surveillance is for those who don’t want the side effects that come with treatment.

During this period, you go in for tests every few months to monitor the cancer growth. 👇🏼

• Watchful waiting on the other hand doesn’t require going in for tests.

This approach is taken by men who are older and likely to die from other causes.

Other forms of treatment;
• High intensity focused ultrasound
• Hormonal therapy
• Chemotherapy
• Immunotherapy.

How do you identify prostate cancer?

Regular blood tests. If the PSA is above normal, follow up with a rectal examination to confirm.

Can it be prevented?

There’s no proven prevention method but you can reduce your risk of developing the disease. 👇🏼

– Improve your diet
– Maintain a healthy weight
– Get regular exercise
– Stop smoking
– Reduce alcohol
– Get enough vitamin D
– Stay sexually active.

Prostate cancer can be managed if caught early and treated appropriately.

Your doctor should be your best friend in this case.

– Pharm Oluoma,@zizelle

Prevention they say is better than cure….. 21days quota of sexual activity must be maintained and i buy that…… Side chick already should help out…… Men’s live matter a lot….. Help save men from going into extinction…..😂 

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